Sentences with word «convincingness»

Mohr's lack of convincingness as Heitzler's impostor was further compounded by the deliberately apathetic attempts at disguise, putting on and taking off his hat and glasses.
Unsuspectedly from the bottom of every fountain of pleasure, as the old poet said, something bitter rises up: a touch of nausea, a falling dead of the delight, a whiff of melancholy, things that sound a knell, for fugitive as they may be, they bring a feeling of coming from a deeper region and often have an appalling convincingness.
Absolutely impersonal reasons would be in duty bound to show more general convincingness.
Suffice to say that Shrek looks perfect enough for you to forget that you're watching something computer - generated: every tree sways as it should, every blade of grass and strand of hair wafts accordingly, and the characters themselves — especially Fiona — nestle comfortably between the movie's storybook style and photo - realistic convincingness.
For his like we must turn back to the narratives of the Bible, with their direct simplicity, and moral convincingness.
I spoke of the convincingness of these feelings of reality, and I must dwell a moment longer on that point.
«Students were desperate to take that class,» she says, «both because of the force of David's personality and the convincingness of the work itself.»
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