Sentences with phrase «cook for a short time»

Perhaps try cooking it for a shorter time.
If you use kale, be sure to remove the tough stems because the greens only cook for a short time.
If your crackers were too tough for cookie eating, try cooking them for a shorter time next time you bake them!
I will cook it for a shorter time next time as well.
You might want to turn down the temp rather than cook for a shorter time.
I prefer to use chicken thigh meat which I find more flavorful, but you could also use chicken breast meat but cook it for a shorter time.
-- Cook for a shorter time on the second side; a little bit of translucence at the very centre is a good thing.
Take off the heat and allow any remaining water to be absorbed (I like it a bit crunchy and couscous - like in texture, hence cooking for a shorter time than some may suggest).
Soaking them overnight before cooking makes them taste better, or you can just throw them in a pressure cooker for a shorter time without soaking.
At that point, you can select a high quality diet without artificial ingredients or consider home - cooking for a short time.

Not exact matches

Either they necessitate a deceptive «God», e.g. creating starlight «in transit» which means that for some light the star that supposedly sent said light would never have actually existed, or they would cause effect that should be evident but are not, e.g. temporarily fast starlight would effectively cook many things, such as life on earth, if the required light (and attendant gamma radiation) were compressed into a significantly shorter time frame (think of the radiation from the apparent 13 billion years of the universe arriving at the same time, or even over a 1000 years).
If yours are too hard try cooking them on a lower heat or for a shorter amount of time x
Regardless of the time of year, cherry tomatoes offer the best flavor when cooked only for short periods of time; too long and the seeds can start to alter the flavor.
If you are short on time, choose a lightly or semi-pearled farro (actually easier to find in some places), which will cut the cooking time for the grains down to about 20 minutes.
So, make sure that you're cooking the liver on a very high temperature for a very short time.
I liked having the vegetables in the same pan as the fish for a short amount of time (versus the other reviewers who cooked separately for longer).
I have the same problem with Crock Pots — I'm usually gone from the house for about 8 hours and the cooking times are always shorter than that: -LRB-.
Am trying again with a shorter cooking time with another ball of dough chilled for a couple of days.
So, if you're short on time and are looking for a convenient way to cook red beans for one or if you're working during the day and want to come home to a fabulous meal at the end of your day, this slow cooker red beans and rice recipe is ideal for you.
If you are finding your old recipes are cooking too fast go ahead and add more liquid or cook for a shorter amount of time.
Canning lowers vegetables» nutritional value since they are best lightly cooked for a short period of time, while their canning process requires a long cooking time at high temperatures.
But for your busiest days, a recipe with a short cook time (or no cooking at all!)
Add the pasta to the boiling water and cook the pasta according to the box directions for al dente pasta (if your box doesn't specify al dente, cook it for 1 to 2 minutes shorter than the time called for — it shouldn't be cooked the whole way through).
They burned a bit on the bottom, so next time I will cook for a shorter amount of time and maybe use my Silpat instead of parchment to line the tray.
I mirrored the recipe except for the cooking time which is significantly shorter — I'd say 1 hour, start to finish.
Short ribs are one of those ingredients that have been on my list to cook with for a long time.
The dish you are describing is a «paprikás burgonya» also very delicious and a tipical dish for a weekday meal.No need to set aside the sausage since the potato can be cooked in a short time together with the sausage.
Dinner Illustrated is a meal kit in book form, perfect for busy people who love to cook but are short on time and inspiration (and would rather do their own shopping and skip the wasteful packaging).
The second time I cooked it shorter and got something closer to what the recipe describes, for about 1 hour until it cooled and appears to have crystalized.
Muffin tin meals mean greater portion - control (if you don't eat them all), shorter cooking times, and larger batches of food that you can freeze for later.
If you want any meats that need to be cooked, do so beforehand; on - grill time is too short to allow for cooking all the way through.
So if you rather have a less crunchy granola with more peanut flavor, then feel free to cook it for a shorter period of time.
The difference will be in the shorter cooking time and less time for the meat to be flavored by the smoke.
For a shorter cooking time, I would choose quinoa, or even red lentils.
You could also experiment with cooking at a higher temperature for a shorter amount of time, just keep checking after 15 min to make sure it does not burn.
Of course I also followed my instinct to portion them into muffin tins, and as always it made for added convenience, presentation, portion control, and in this case — a shorter cooking time!
When short ribs are cooked, remove from oven, uncover and allow to rest for several minutes until serving time.
The rice is cooked beforehand and then simmered for a short time with tomatoes, garlic, black beans, cumin, and chili powder and finished with fresh herbs.
Flip and cook for 2 - 3 minutes or until bread is browned (usually the 2nd side takes a shorter amount of time to cook).
That is, for a short time under a hot flame, as opposed to cooking it slowly, for a long time under a low flame.
15 minutes was waaay too short a cooking time for the rice and it was still like a soup 5 minutes after the shrimp were added.
Divide the mixture between your chosen tins and bake in the oven for about 25 minutes (the cooking time will be a little shorter if you're making muffins; and longer for a whole cake or loaf — more like 45 minutes) until golden and cooked through.
I cooked the fennel for a shorter period of time and at a higher heat, so it caramelized without becoming mushy.
The cabbage is no longer raw, but it has been cooked for a very short period of time in order to keep its nutritional properties.
But, brown or orange lentils will cook a little quicker (becoming tender quicker), so you'll want to only add about half the broth that's called for in this recipe because this sauce will cook in a shorter period of time.
Cooking the vegetables for a short time on very high heat will give them a nice sear and prevent them from getting soggy.
I, too, found the cooking time for the filling to be way short.
Yesterday, for the first time, I made a more complex meal in my rice cooker, a Caribbean rice and beans stir that was nothing short but amazing.
(Note: cooking time will be shorter for muffins, depending on the size of the muffin tin used.
Haven't seen anyone mention making this with short pasta, which is a shame, because it seems like such a perfect fit for the long - ish cook time.
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