Sentences with phrase «cookie aisle»

The phrase "cookie aisle" refers to a specific area in a grocery store where different types of cookies are displayed and available for purchase. Full definition
Do you find yourself daydreaming of chocolate cake or lingering a little too long in the chip and cookie aisle?
They do still make the Nabisco Chocolate Wafers, but they're never on the cookie aisle.
I went to the market and filled my basket with all the ingredients I would need and headed to the cookie aisle.
I found RITZ Fresh Stacks at my local Walmart in the crackers / cookies aisle.
In a supermarket candy and cookie aisle.
Because it beats my kid doing the dead weight thing so I can't lift her off the cookie aisle floor of the grocery store.
Then we need to dismantle the chip and cookie aisle in every store.
She said, «I was on your diet, I was eating whole food but every time I went to the supermarket I stood in the cookie aisle, and I decided that I would always buy two packages of cookies and then eat them.»
She was able to turn around and walk out of the cookie aisle without exercising any will power.
One day after being on our diet for a number of months she went to the cookie aisle, she stood there, and she realized she didn't want those cookies.
It took me a number of years, but today I look in that cookie aisle and I'm not even tempted to go down it.
Skip the cookie aisle Shoppers spent almost twice as much of their discretionary spending money when they mindlessly went down every aisle of a grocery store, rather than only visiting the aisles with the food they needed, according to a study from the University of Pittsburgh and Baylor University.
As we speed - walked past the cookie aisle, my daughter spotted emoji cookies.
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