Sentences with phrase «cooking solutions»

The award program recognizes outstanding female leaders in the household energy sector who are advancing clean cooking solutions in emerging markets.
It is complicated beyond belief, but as long as we keep the conversation going and push for scratch cooking solutions we will see playing field continue to level.
The lack of financing for clean cooking solutions is shocking.
Combination Steam ovens offer a variety of cooking solutions in one appliance for maximum user flexibility!
Instead, it wanted to provide cooking solutions and ways that Canadians can try new greens.
Sustainable Energy in Humanitarian Settings: With displaced populations increasing worldwide, the urgency for providing clean energy and clean cooking solutions at refugee camps and other humanitarian settings is growing.
Packaging innovation is the key to delivering high - quality microwaved food for time - poor consumers, according to Roger Villar, cooking solutions manager at market leading carton manufacturer, Graphic Packaging International (GPI).
While many of La Moderna products offer quick cooking solutions — such as pastas that are ready in 10 to 12 minutes, instant soups, pancake mixes and pasta sauce — the brand ensures its products are nutritious, and especially promotes this importance through its public communication.
DesignerWare ™ provides multi-functional cooking solutions, from even product heating to browning and crisping, as well as steaming.
Healthful Cooking Solutions for Children & Adults.learn more»
It is this sort of initiative that will continue to support the creation of a thriving global market for clean household cooking solutions that will save lives, improve livelihoods, empower women and protect the environment.»
Examples include helping farmers use treadle pumps to improve yields and income; tackling indoor air pollution through the provision of clean cooking solutions and making clean, renewable energy available to households and communities for the first time.
They all suddenly became the three ingredients necessary to cook the solution.
Automatic Electronic Level Control - An electronic controller and capacitance probe is used for precise level control of the cooking solution ensuring consistent product dwell time and product quality.
This exchange visit will focus on experiential learning of the major domestic energy opportunities and technologies, including solar and clean cooking solutions.
The founder, Anne Patterson, launched the company to resume the production of a popular solar oven from the humanitarian organization Solar Oven Society (SOS), which had previously supplied more than 20,000 of its clean cooking solutions to people in Haiti, Afghanistan, Nicaragua, and other locations in the developing world before its funding ran out in 2013.
A new report produced by SEforALL and ENERGIA, Levers of Change, provides powerful evidence of how women are often not given an equal chance to take advantage of sustainable energy opportunities, such as traditional and mobile money financing that would enable them to acquire home solar systems or clean cooking solutions.
To share knowledge on maximizing the benefits of bio digesters (use of biogas and application of bio slurry), and other clean cooking solutions.
We have structured funding for and delivered a huge variety of clean energy projects around the globe ranging from large geothermal power projects and wind projects in India, to household level programmes toprovide affordable solar energy and clean cooking solutions to some of the world's poorest communities also helps to tackle energy poverty — improving lives, stimulating local economies and tackling climate change.
By providing clean cooking solutions to over 4.1 million Ghanaians, the project also improves health and has saved families more than $ 84 million in fuel costs.
Cut indoor air pollution by making clean cooking solutions and solar energy affordable to base of pyramid households.
Countries that prioritize clean cooking solutions and pursue policies to do so, can and do see rapid progress.
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