Sentences with phrase «cool area»

For example, for painted turtles, eggs laid in cooler areas hatch as males while eggs laid in warmer areas are all - female.
What if the cooler temps are just selected from satellites that spend more time over cooler areas of the planet?
This opposing - colors scheme arguably works very well in drawing the reader's attention to particularly warm or cool areas on the globe.
Burn - If your pet has been burned, cool the area as quickly as possible with cool water and cover it with cool, damp towels.
Cover and refrigerate or set in cool area for one hour per pound.
I get so jealous when I see bloggers from cooler areas rocking their cute Fall - wear.
Try to park your car in the shade or other cooler areas during hot, summer days.
This white ice reflects more sunlight, which cools the area further and allows more ice to build up, which reflects even more sunlight and so forth.
It's as if climate change forces warmer climates to flow toward cooler areas, making everywhere warmer over time.
Now he is staying in a small shaded cool area behind the house.
Yet at their northern borders, many species are holding steady instead of moving into even cooler areas.
It is full of character and so many cool areas.
Truly, this is a really cool area to explore.
Although the virus can not survive in a dry environment outside the cat for more than a day or two, in damp cool areas it can survive longer.
There's not much variation in the textures beyond differentiation in the color palette, and outside of a few cool areas later on, it has a tendency to feel a little repetitive.
I hope they find cool areas, or see this strange device and ask themselves what's happening here, what's it about?
To answer these questions, you'll explore how heat moves from warmer to cooler areas through the transfer of thermal energy.
Try cooling these areas before bedtime for better sleep.
In cooler areas, the less intense warming and large decrease in cold - related deaths may mean no net change or a marginal reduction in temperature - related deaths.
Lastly, this laptop includes ASUS's «IceCool» technology which cools the area around your hands for extra comfort.
And it would seem to me that these canine racists at United should be more worried about the 225 dogs that are killed under their care a year for not properly heated / cooling the area where pets are stored.
Maize reached the southern US 4000 years ago, but wasn't farmed in cooler areas until 2000 years later — because it took that long to develop cool - hardy strains
This air conditioner can not only cool areas of up to 450 square feet, it also acts as a dehumidifier.
More to the point, cats tend to be smarter (or more concerned) than dogs about their own comfort, and they do a better job of seeking out cooler areas when they need to.
A warmer climate could cause trees to colonize northward into cooler areas.
The west side while remote is still a very cool area Eric.
Note: Sunflower oil can go bad quickly, so it should be purchased in small quantities and stored in a dark cool area.
While mammals produce their own body heat, herps must move into warmer or cooler areas within their habitat to maintain a healthy internal body temperature.
The 4 - foot cooling area is perfect for cubicles, desks, dorm rooms, and more.
Sunspots are cool areas caused by the strong magnetic fields where the flow of heat is slowed.
Also, it is quite likely that, as global temperature rises, diseases that were previously found only in warmer areas of the world may show up increasingly in other, previously cooler areas, where people have not yet developed natural defenses against them.
Here the grainy photosphere erupted in crowds of spots, each with an irregular black center, or umbra, marking a relatively cool area on the sun's nearly 10,000 - degree - Fahrenheit surface.
They chose to study the protist, or slime mold, Physarum polycephalum, a giant cell that inhabits shady, cool areas [1] and has proved to be endowed with some astonishing abilities, such as solving a maze, avoiding traps or optimizing its nutrition [2].
Unlike dogs with fevers, overheated dogs often pant, seek cool areas or exhibit marked distress.
This propecia no prescription online will keep your puppy's paws from cracking in the heat and give you both some needed cooler areas.
Dogs cool off by panting and their long tongues and noses give them more cooling area.
For many of them using cheats was the only way they got to see cool areas in the later levels, or play multiplayer rounds in the ways that they wanted to play.
This gives rise to moisture flow by air movement and vapor diffusion from the exterior to the interior cooled area as a result of a higher outdoor vapor pressure than indoor vapor pressure during the cooling periods.
Shady, moist and cool areas where grass has been denuded are the most common places these larva are picked up.
You're never really stuck hopeless in one spot forever like I was in Dark Souls, you always had a way forward or some other cool area you could explore.
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