Sentences with phrase «cool dogs dig»

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Some dogs dig holes to lay in for cooling off or for sheltering themselves from the elements.
A small children's paddling pool will do the trick - your dog is cool, happy, entertained, and has no reason to dig any more.
Make sure there is plenty of water and shade available for your dog in the summer months; many dogs dig just to feel the pleasure of sprawling in the cool soil.
The point about dogs digging holes in yards because they do not have adequate cover to keep cool and escape from the sun.
If your dog is digging to cool off, provide him with a more comfortable place to rest, indoors or on a cooling mat.
Some dog's dig pits to cool off in, others to bury bones and other prized possessions, and some because it's a fun activity.
Dogs often dig holes in yards for the insulating coolness they provide and many times, having a wading pool will keep them from digging holes in your yard to cool off in.
Dogs dig cooling hollows in the summer, and warming pits in the winter.
Digging for cooling involves a dog creating cooling holes to lie in.
If your dog is digging to keep cool, to bury objects or just to entertain itself when outdoors, that doesn't mean that you have to have a backyard full of holes.
To keep cool: Digging can be a great way for dogs that spend a lot of time outside to keep cool on hot days, because the layer of dirt underneath the warm top layer is usually cool and moist.
Some dogs that are left outside when the temps spike have discovered that if they dig a hole and lay in it that it helps to cool them off.
If you find your dog digging in shady places when it's hot outside, you should consider bringing them into a cooler environment.
Whether it's a covered patio or under a tree or even a hole your dog dug (soil and mud are cool materials protected from the sun's rays), allow your canine to relax in and on cooler surfaces both inside and outside when the temperature rises.
If a dog is especially hot or cold, she may dig to find a warmer or cooler place to rest.
Dogs also dig when trying to get warm or stay cool, to entertain themselves, to bury valued items, and when hunting ground - dwelling animals.
If your dog digs in an attempt to cool off, provide an insulated dog house, a shallow wading pool, shade, a fan (air blowing over ice feels just like air conditioning!)
Some dogs will dig a nice hole then lie in it to keep cool.
Not entirely — because we live in a hot climate and oftentimes our dogs will dig a hole wherever they find a spot to create a cool spot to lay in.
I live in the tropics and since I left a hole for my dog to cool off she never tries to dig outside of the digging area.
Behavioral thermoregulation: in warm climates or on warm days a dog might dig a hole and lie in it to cool down (common in Huskies).
Dogs dig to escape, bury things, hunt, cool down or because they're bored.
I thought VV and Crash only went back as far as the GBA; it's really cool to see you're still super passionate about Crash after all these years and able to dig into ancient Naughty Dog work.
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