Sentences with phrase «cool pictures»

Story: Cool pictures of animals are accompanied by sound buttons on the side, so kids can match animals and sounds.
This only works with the Essential Phone, but if you have one and want to take some really cool pictures with it, this camera add - on is a must - have.
What a great sign and saying Cool picture with all the flowers.
«Got a pretty cool picture out of it,» he says.
Also, I will be sharing reviews on books and movies I find interesting as well as some other cool pictures and thoughts.
People like cool pictures, even when they're all grown up.
This park is in the middle of the city and allows for such cool pictures.
However, if your only goal is improving your aesthetics with as minimal effort as possible, or you just want to be able to take cool pictures of your pumped up muscles three times a week, making the pump the centerpiece of your training will work great for you.
OMG Ashley I actually thought you'd used a really cool picture from a fashion website — it took me a while to realise that it was YOUR feet and YOUR socks and shoes!!
Ning - is the largest online community building platform in the World ★ Create your own social network in a matter of minutes ⚡️ Take your 14 days trial Create cool pictures!
For $ 65 a day, the 6 beverages you need to drink each day are delivered to your home or office in the insulated cooler picture at top (as you may notice by looking at that photo, each juice is labeled in suggested order of consumption.)
cute cute post, lovely outfit, looking stunning, lovely cool pictures.
She is also prolific on Instagram with achingly cool pictures of her work and travels, so be sure to check her out there too.
I loved the collection of old coolers pictured in one of the other posts from this week.
As I mentioned my team and I have been crazy busy here but I thought I'd share a few cool pictures from some of the renovations we've been working on...
Thanks for your diligence in providing super cool pictures of awesome interiors and exteriors.
This GIF of both teams lined up with each player's breath blowing out like smoke is a pretty cool picture of winter football.
KHC is a company we've always wanted to own, ever since attending a Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholder Meeting in 2015 (below is a really cool picture from the shareholder meeting exhibit hall that year).
Along with a letter that pointed to some online links about space camp, the astronaut program and resources to elementary students, NASA also sent Dexter some really cool pictures of the Red Planet and Mars Curiosity Rover, as well as a sticker that's a replica of the mission patch worn by the astronauts.
I was able to take some cool pictures of the blood moon with just a small telescope telescope and my iPhone.
A simple tip of the hat or thanks to the person who introduced you to the cool picture, the insightful article or the video of a cat playing with an otter (no, I won't link to one here, find it yourself) will make them feel good and prevent people thinking of you as a social media kleptomaniac.
Cool picture of your dad!
At least he got a cool picture out of it.
A cool picture was captured during the play...
A cool picture was captured during the play of three players from Cass Tech High School, Lewis, Royce Jenkins - Stone and Delano Hill, all helping out on the TD.
Take a look at this cool picture Devin Garder posted of him and Donovan Peoples - Jones through the years in Ann Arbor (hit the arrow on the Instagram post):
Take a look at this cool picture Devin Garder posted of him and Donovan Peoples - Jones through the years in Ann Arbor...
And of course, plenty of cool pictures and maps!
Wow, cool picture!
cute cute post, lovely outfits, cool pictures.
Then show a cool picture of a shark to distract them.
Isn't this a cool picture of them?!
It's some really cool pictures, I really like your jeans
We decided to drive out there to explore a bit and see if we could take some cool pictures.
I always love all of our cool pictures.
Such a cool picture!
And sometimes I just want a doughnut and a cup of coffee and a cool picture so I can pretend I'm cooler than I really am.
Really beautiful and cool pictures!
Cool pictures.
I wore this outfit for my date with the lovely Lotta, we hung out, had coffee and hot cocoa and shot these cool pictures.
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