Sentences with phrase «coordinating role»

Spain became the 25th country to join the PGENI project in Europe, within just 2.5 years that the Golden Helix Institute of Biomedical Research has assumed the Regional coordinating role of PGENI in Europe.
Funding for NIST's coordinating role within Manufacturing USA, the interagency network of public - private manufacturing innovation institutes, would be equal to the President's request of $ 15 million in FY 2018, a $ 10 million decrease below last year.
However, NIST was also a favored agency under President Obama and played a lead coordinating role in his National Network for Manufacturing Innovation, and so additional programmatic cuts may be in store when the full request is released.
This more assertive posture, could include a Parliament that would itself begin to play an increasing coordinate role in articulating and promoting its own interpretation of the meaning, for example, of the Charter right to life, liberty and security of the person.
Former Finance Minister, Yaw Osafo - Maafo, has defended President Nana Addo's creation of the Senior Minister portfolio, explaining at his vetting, that his core duty will be to «coordinate the roles of the various economic ministries in the new government.»
If not them, perhaps a stronger, coordinating role for Library and Archives Canada.
As a result, regional partners in Colorado and New England, both intermediaries, play a facilitating and coordinating role in support of district and state next - gen learning objectives.
The Times notes that, at various junctures, Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson, commerce secretary Wilbur Ross, treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin, national economic advisor Gary Cohn, and national security adviser Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster have all staked claims to playing the coordinating role on China.
And Mr. Trump's national security adviser, Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, is not playing the coordinating role on China that several of his predecessors did.
If the soul is a series of actual occasions in a coordinating role vis - à - vis the total organism, how can it account for a man's identity through time?
Already the coordinating role of the Council was in evidence.
And through the coordinating role played by Mr. Adnani, terror planning has gone hand - in - hand with the group's extensive propaganda operations — including, Mr. Sarfo claimed, monthly meetings in which Mr. Adnani chose which grisly videos to promote based on battlefield events.
«I'm playing a coordinated role for the economic sector as it were.
That statute significantly reformed and strengthened the State's program for encouraging the growth of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises, a program in which the Chief Diversity Officer will play a central, coordinating role.
All the productive sectors are referred to as economic sector, and they will be a major bloc as a subcommittee of parliament, and they coordinate the activities of the economic sectors of his cabinet, as it may be, and he wanted me to bring my experience as a [former] minister of finance, as somebody who has done a similar job in Uganda, as somebody who has done a similar job in Liberia, to bear on his government; so I'm playing a coordinated role for the economic sector as it were.»
«Much of the interesting technical work was being done abroad, leaving U.K. - based engineers to perform more of a coordinating role,» she explains.
We are currently investigating the molecular mechanisms behind this coordinating role of SLIMP.
Cooperation and coordinating roles / attacks with your teammates in order to bring down your prey have been a hallmark for the series, but the various tweaks, improvements, and new features (like a greater interaction between monsters and the world around them) seem to raise this higher and allow for a better introduction to the game for new players.
What these reports do call for is some coordination of geoengineering research, with the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) as «the most obvious possibility» for a coordinating role.
Metropolitan, municipal and other local government institutions can play a proactive and coordinating role in enhancing urban food security and cities resilience by:
INDIA can take leadership for mountain voices and ICIMOD can play a coordinating role in bringing regional governmental support to the leadership.
Ansip has a coordinating role in EU digital policy, and has much greater influence over the outcome of the Google antitrust case than Oettinger does.
In particular, Wanxiang Group as the Vice-Director Unit will have an important propelling and coordinating role.
Pretend play allows children to negotiate what they have to do to coordinate their roles and make choices.
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