Sentences with phrase «coordination exercises»

Coordination exercises refer to activities or tasks that help enhance the ability to control and synchronize movements of different body parts. These exercises improve the communication between the brain and muscles, helping individuals become more skilled and precise in their movements. Full definition
For instance, tossing a ball or brushing his coat encourages repetitive hand - eye coordination exercises.
Paula Van Ness, CEO of Starlight also says that, «an added benefit of this new Fun Center model, the Wii technology can be used to encourage children to do physical therapy and motor coordination exercises
Balance and coordination exercises have been shown to improve working memory because they force you to adapt to changing terrain and environments.
Adding in range of motion and coordination exercises can be a great way to mimic the fluidity that surfing provides.
A majority of the respondents held misconceptions about learning — erroneously believing, for example, that children have learning styles dominated by one of the senses, that short bouts of motor - coordination exercises can improve the integration of the brain's left and right hemispheres, and that children are less attentive after consuming sugary drinks or snacks.
To help an animals» awareness of their surroundings, coordination exercises may be utilized.
Combinations of hydrotherapy, muscle building exercises, cryotherapy, electrical stimulation, coordination exercises and thermotherapy techniques may be used for dogs with orthopedic conditions.
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