Sentences with phrase «copies at a traditional publisher»

If you sell fewer than 1500 copies at a traditional publisher, you're generally considered a commercial disaster by any publisher but a very, very tiny one who paid you an advance less than $ 1000.

Not exact matches

Compelling cover copy is a key component of any successful self - publishing plan, but many traditional publishers will let you try your hand at it as well, so why not present your editor with something that will satisfy you both?
What comes under «marketing» by traditional publishers is shelf placement (sort of like cereal manufacturers purchase shelf placement at grocery stores), a listing in the publisher's catalog, and review copies to reviewers.
No copy editing is done in - house at a traditional publisher.
I've discussed before the difference between editing, copy editing and proofing, but judging by the fact that someone over at ATH asked about how writers were going to get the excellent editing and other services that traditional publishers provide in the new indie publishing, I'm going to presume that I either haven't gotten through or that I need a boomier amplifier.
Traditional publishers, take note: I'd have to be crazy to «rent» your e-book at $ 7.99 when I can own a transferable copy for around $ 1.50 less than that.
However, as Mark Coker argues, compared to many indie authors who can get $ 1.80 - $ 2.10 out of each copy of their ebooks sold at the price of $ 2.99, those authors who publish through the traditional publishers are «at an extreme disadvantage» because they earn only $ 1.25 - $ 1.75 out of each copy of their ebooks sold at the price of $ 9.99.
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