Sentences with phrase «coping by»

My son has been out of town most of the summer, so I've been coping by completely loosing myself in project after project.
But that's the reality of aging, and baby boomers are coping by taking things a little easier.
In the context of depression significantly more stress communication and expression of negative emotions in depressed women along with more negative dyadic coping by partners of depressed women have been found (Bodenmann et al., 2004).
Similarly, «indirect» processes that may prove important are general effects of fathers» socially supportive behaviors toward mothers, enhancement of marital satisfaction, and facilitation of stress management and coping by individual parents.
When a child can make a change to address a problem, they engage in problem - focused coping by identifying the trouble and making a plan for dealing with it.
When they deem the problem unsolvable, they engage in emotion - focused coping by working to tolerate and control distress.
Depressions, anxieties, fears, mood swings, tension / anger, stressed or broken relationships, isolating, loss of interest or concentration, and coping by using drugs or alcohol to numb the experiences can be overcome.»
The use of religion as a coping strategy has been reported in previous studies on coping by caregivers and parents of cancer patients [34][35][36].
I was super depressed and coping by eating my emotions.
After coping by using the active birthing equipment in the room for a few hours, the midwife asked if I'd like to get in the pool.
Coping by continuing.
But Balboa Brands is coping by emphasizing the high quality of its products.
We've been suffering with bitterly cold temperatures below 60 ° here in California, and we're coping by stocking up on the soup (and the parkas, scarves, gloves, etc).
The company is coping by expanding its staff.
Balbo coped by spending her money as soon as she had it.
For male investors, the quick reaction was social discomfort, and they would cope by joking: «Isn't jewelry female Viagra?»
The company coped by focusing, for an entire month, exclusively on customer satisfaction, and she assigned account managers for every tier of Kickstarter backers to manage customer relations.
They cope by surrounding themselves with others who are at the same level, or by depending on those who are more functional, or by returning home.
To deal with those negative feelings as a kid I often coped by withdrawing from others, performing and achieving more, and becoming highly anxious.
It helps you cope by focusing your attention on other things and letting the stress leave you for a few minutes.
I cope by reminding myself that I'm not all that good myself and that some see me as one of those crazy uncles or nephews.
I cope by saying «I've got some crazy uncles and come crazy nephews and some crazy aunts and some crazy nieces.»
We cope by seeking refuge in the stories that we tell and listen to.
The company copes by offering its employees benefits that most other poultry companies do not, including two extra checks per year.
«Just getting good, qualified people who want to do those jobs [and retain them] becomes [challenging],» he explains, noting that the company copes by continuing to focus on treating its staff fairly.
Like others in the industry, The Bistro Group strives to cope by staying innovative with new products that customers want.
Some BYU fans coped by cussing up enough of a storm to make J. Golden Kimball blush.
Moms know, but dads might not, that girls can be vicious in their gossiping and backstabbing and this shows up when one girl feels insecure and copes by trying to take down the shining star... Amy was that star!
So, I learned to cope by myself.
Some (who had lots of siblings or whose parents lived far away, or coped by detaching) went days without seeing family.
Stone said that for years he and his wife coped by staying inside while the shooting range was in use, or by mowing the lawn during those hours.
I coped by always scheduling a visit with a friend or family member while my husband was at work or school (he was finishing his degree at the time.)
You can help your little one cope by easing the transition for him.
Do not feel alone either; many mothers cope by joining support groups or using the internet as an outlet to connect with others in a similar situation.
I coped by limiting the length of our nursing sessions and trying to distract him with another activity if I was feeling particularly averse to nursing.
Help your child cope by finding something that can substitute for you when you leave the room, Waldburger says.
Here are some ways to help kids cope by providing extra attention:
Carswell seems to know this, but can cope by having liberated himself from the system.
But Walley hopes that western democracies can cope by embedding sustainability education into the national curriculum.
So, I just cope by not supersetting those 2 exercises.
You cope by over-indulging: whether it's food, work, exercise, shopping, gambling, sex, alcohol or drugs (including prescription), over-engaging in certain activities can be a sign that we're trying to escape, rather than heal from intense mental and emotional challenges.
Synopsis: A Coast Guard rescue swimmer (Kevin Costner), who still mourns losing his crew in a fatal accident, copes by dedicating his life to training new re... [MORE]
Besides that, he copes by obsessing on Michael Jackson whose Thriller album is currently giving hope to lots of ragamuffins living in the region.
His dad, meanwhile, attempts to cope by engaging in a lazy relationship with his younger son's high school teacher (Amy Ryan), while Conrad simply unplugs from the world and plays videogames late into the night.
Casey Affleck plays a man who dies and becomes a ghost (who looks like a Halloween ghost, with the sheet), and Rooney Mara plays that man's widow, who copes by eating a pie.
Most will cope by borrowing — which, because they are government entities, they will be able to do at a cost of about 1 percent.
Pierpont's debut makes this common premise feel fresh thanks to character - enriching details (Kay copes by writing smutty «Seinfeld» fan fiction, for example) and a willingness to shake up her narrative structure.
Sol copes by pretending the closet is a rocket.
They plan to cope by taking out a bit less each month until the market picks up.
It helps us cope by looking through the many pictures we have taken over the years.
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