Sentences with phrase «copy of the court order»

Once your adoption is granted, certified copies of the court order are applied for.
If a court order exists for one or more of the children the parent is to provide a certified true copy of the court order.
Original or certified copy of a court order with your name and date of birth indicating a name and / or gender change
Requires parental consent from both parents along with a copy of each parent's identification if one parent has sole custody, a certified copy of the court order granting sole custody must be provided.
10.1 An administrator appointed under section 174 of the Act must file in the land title office a certified copy of the court order making the appointment.
«Today they came with a court order and gave a copy of the court order to the Chief Security Officer in the house.
You should always make sure to obtain all copies of any court orders or rulings.
The school financial aid administrator should ask for a copy of the court order that declared the child a ward of the court.
Once a judgment is entered against you, the person or entity that won the lawsuit gains access to a portion of your wages by providing a copy of the court order to local law enforcement.
In this situation, we will need a copy of the court order or divorce decree, showing the child support amount and the terms of support.
Court Ordered - In this situation, we will need a copy of the court order or divorce decree, showing the child support amount and the terms of support.
That's why inspectors are armed with copies of a court order giving them the power to impound endangered or mistreated animals if poor conditions are not corrected.
All of my identification has been changed to reflect this fact, and copies of the court order to seal were provided to the issuing agencies as well.
Copies of the court orders and the decisions can be accessed under the «Documents» tab.
On request, the victim must be provided with a copy of the court order.
Schools are required to collect and retain a copy of your citation and a copy of a court order if one has been issued.
Receive a copy of the court order.
To get another copy of the court order, you should:
The court should send you a copy of the court order with the finding of fact.
The Petitioner must clearly state the provisions of the court order or orders that the alleged contemnor is accused of failing to follow, and must attach a copy of the court order to his or her Petition for Rule.
The parenting coordinator shall also clarify his or her role and responsibilities by obtaining a copy of the court order or settlement agreement prior to offering any services to the family.
If you need a copy of your court order, contact the district clerk's office in the county where you went to court and provide your cause number, your name and the other person's name, and / or your Social Security number.
[i] They also have the right to inspect the child care setting without advance notice during normal operating hours while the child is present (unless, as noted in the previous answer, the custodial parent has given you a written request to prevent such visits along with a copy of the court order that supports that request).
Leave a copy of your court order with the school to document your right to be involved in your child's education.
In order to enforce this right, the parent with sole physical custody must give the provider a written request not to allow the child to leave with the noncustodial parent, or visit with the child outside the noncustodial parent's visitation hours, and show the provider a copy of the court order.
Obtain a copy of the court order from the district court clerk in the county where a decree was issued or paternity was established.
If you need a copy of your court order, contact the clerk of the district court that heard your case.
Even if you have sole legal custody, you must provide a copy of the court order granting sole custody to the applying parent (unless child's travel is restricted by that order).
The domestic relations office will not have a copy of your court order.
Alternatively, the tenant may provide the landlord with a copy of a court order (such as a restraining order, access order or a peace bond).
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