Sentences with phrase «copy sold»

But divide that down to the average number of copies sold per title = 192.
This total does not include copies sold on launch day, or from other stores.
Today, it is considered the greatest self - improvement book of all time, with more than 30 million copies sold worldwide.
An author might expect to receive $ 3 per copy sold if their book is of average trim size and length.
As usual, I will list the book, the date the book was first released and how many copies sold in each store.
Recently the Mega Man franchise passed 30 million copies sold across all 131 games in franchise history.
With 1 game sold before it's just 131 copies sold since BC.
Almost 50,000 copies sold at debut is really solid for this kind of game.
One example is the horrible book review that leads to thousands more copies sold.
This number represents both physical and digital copies sold to the customer not shipped to stores.
I have my spreadsheet where I enter total copies sold and it calculates the royalty for me.
It is a modern business classic with over 350,000 copies sold so far.
For those reasons...... along with the absolute perfect price for a downloadable title, consider one copy sold with me.
The 5 million units shipped is not equivalent to sales, though, as it includes the physical copies sold to retailers and the digital copies downloaded by players.
For purposes of this Agreement, the Parties agree that in all cases, 10 % of copies sold during the applicable accounting period will be deemed to be commercially reasonable.
Naturally, this is going to mean less copies selling in the comic shops.
And that 500 copies sold only produces a few thousand dollars.
Now with over 25 million copies sold over 8 games and multiple platforms, the series has received worldwide acclaim.
In fact, e-books may earn authors more money per copy sold because they can not be purchased second hand, as print books can be.
It means nothing at all without the real number of copy sold before BC.
And that 74 % increase in copies sold makes it much more likely that the title will make it onto the national bestseller lists.
Most authors spent 28 % of their overall budget on advertising, 15 % on their websites and 14 % on buying promotional copies as well as copies they sell direct to readers.
Thousands and thousands of ebook copies sold during a short period of time.
Two years, seven novels and tens of thousands of copies sold later, I don't regret my decision one bit.
$ 650 million in copies sold around the world in the span of a work week.
I tweeted it at the same time and two more copies sold instantly.
The five hundred copies sold quickly in the local bookstores, mostly to our friends and families.
Maybe publishers should include a downloadable copy with every paper copy sold.
Because the truth is that GREAT copy sells, and «ok» copy works just «ok».
So the book has only generated just a few copies sold.
100 % of the profits from a dozen copies sold is not an improvement on 10 % net royalty from a couple of thousand.
The numbers of copies sold re my books say something completely different.
Number of copies sold determines success and failure of a game not the size of an install base.
10 + million copies sold say otherwise, baby!
There's no doubt that Assassin's Creed is one of the biggest modern day video game franchises out there, with more than 30 million copies sold worldwide.
With over 7 million copies sold across all 3 platforms, it's safe to say they've done something right.
It's unclear whether the million copies is referring to copies sold since launch, or if it includes early access copies as well.
Readers want to hear about how great your story is, not how many copies you sold or how brilliant your promotion campaign was.
• You earn more money per copy sold • Traditional publishing is very slow — it can take up to three years to see a finished book.
That's still more copies sold that some of the most popular video games of today.
And those 5,000 copies sold only produce a few thousand dollars.
My first 60 author copies sold in less than 48 hours.
Note: No royalty will be paid to authors on copies sold during the days when the book is under promotions.
Author will receive a sales report detailing print and eBook copies sold during the quarter and royalties earned for those sales.
The rest, as they say, is history: 18 languages, countless millions of copies sold, and billions of dollars to the author.
The number of copies sold is important for marketing purposes.
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