Sentences with phrase «copy someone have»

I wonder how many copies have sold in the states.
I love that I can put books out quickly and get feedback on sales right away instead of waiting months to know what anyone thinks of it or how many copies I've sold.
An argument could be made that the only true way to define a «best - selling» book is based upon the number of copies it has sold.
With the world moving towards digital communication, the need for physical copies has reduced considerably.
I thought a digital copy would also be sent?
Self publishing authors can now arrange POD books if digital sales prove print copies would sell.
So anyone who didn't win a free copy has already seen you, and with the extra exposure will be that much more likely to buy your eBook.
Looking forward to Summer Rental and a signed copy would be even more special.
Just let us know which services you need and how many copies you would like in your original order and we will send you an estimate.
In theory, your registered copy would need to include some portion that becomes the subject of a future infringement claim, either as a copy or as a derivative work.
Second, it should have precisely the exact copy you would see on the landing page when people click on the ad.
Do not send us the only copies you have of your work.
The ad copy has taken on a life of its own, with hiring managers and entrepreneurs pointing to it as an example of how to lure exceptional people to your organization.
I am so excited... my two copies have shipped and should be at my house today!
The electronic copies have expiration dates and you simply can't open them after your borrowing time has expired.
An old copy would still give you loads of publishers and information.
You can find inspiration in the budget analyst resume sample to ensure your final copy has proper formatting and includes all the necessary information.
I personally had some real issues with certified copy I had the feeling that the movie ultimately thought it was far more profound and clever than it actually was.
Writing succinct, efficient copy has always required time, effort and skill.
Or, more specifically, what role do physical retail copies have in this digital age?
This is the only copy we have ever seen on the market.
The first order can take 1 - 2 weeks to ship out, from the date the order is placed, even though a proof copy has been previously ordered.
If your assignment copy has spelling or grammar errors then also you are going to lose outstanding grades.
This book has a lot more depth than the cover copy would lead the reader to believe.
My sealed copy has a small crack in the top right corner but other than that is in pristine condition.
What copy would be the most attention - grabbing?
Long copy has proven the great results for me recently.
How do you know the writer wasn't speaking of the book he was writing or reflecting on older writings, but not the completed copy we have today?
Extra copies would be stored in a warehouse until needed, which meant the publisher and retailers would need to track inventory and deal with shipments, returns, and other stocking issues.
I've had to claw and scratch for literally every single copy I've sold of any of my three books.
That said, comments from those that have read advance copies have been encouraging.
One problem people inexperienced with writing web copy have is they tend waffle in order to set the scene for their writing.
This is not without its own challenges, however, as the cost per copy would be much higher than other picture books on the market and would only be available through one channel.
Below is letter copy I've used to great effect in several cities.
All of this information would be condensed into a strict one - page format, and identical copies would be sent to every would - be employer that you contacted.
Perhaps if the sale of your existing copy would cover the vast majority of the cost of upgrading then it may be worthwhile, but otherwise don't worry about it.
Holding off getting a cheap digital copy has paid off!
All engaging copy has a solid, engaging structure.
Even though it might generate traffic, website copy has to convert too which is another matter altogether.
Your teaser copy has to be intriguing and promise that there's something inside that the reader will greatly benefit from reading.
A promo copy has been begging for a read for several weeks now, but time is in short supply and I haven't gotten through it yet.
Many differences between the two copies suggest that they separated some time ago, while similar copies have a more recent separation date.
Anybody that comes to your home will want to copy those I would think.
The publishing house is concerned that the finished copy has been stolen and will be sold to media outlets or that it will be leaked online.
«This will simplify the submission process for authors and offer an easier and faster way to collaborate and write articles,» as promotional media copy has it.
I know how many total copies I've sold via assorted distributors, and I know how much money has gone into my bank account.
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