Sentences with phrase «core of the film»

The chemistry between these two actresses really worked and this story was the emotional core of the film.
Based on the laughter from the adults in attendance, he's the comedy core of the film.
That is the comedic core of the film, though laughs come from all directions.
The emotional core of the film revolves around Star - Lord and his sense of purpose.
As Nana, Patti's wheelchair - bound grandmother, Moriarty delivers several cutting one - liners that earn lots of laughs, and she practically becomes the emotional core of the film before you even realize it.
Kidman's antics are both eyebrow - raising and frantically charged, though the film is often rooted in the eyes of its more subtle players — a notable turn by Macy Gray is the quiet core of the film.
Jupiter Ascending A movie of common flaws and uncommon virtues, this latest from the Wachowski siblings suffers from the usual long, boring computer - generated action sequences, but the emotional and intellectual cores of the film — about a young scrubwoman (Mila Kunis) targeted for death by an intergalactic ruling family — are sound.
Fine performance by Ethan Hawke, whose open - mouthed reactions to the suddenly exploding crises he finds himself in are the blackly comic core of the film's appeal.
This proves to be especially detrimental to Transendence in that the emotional core of the film relies on our ability to feel the undying love of Will and Evelyn, and as there are absolutely no sparks generated between Depp and Hall whatsoever, that missing vital component means that the film must rely on thrills and action to generate momentum, and Pfister just isn't up to the task.
In Tom Ford's thriller, Shannon plays a law enforcement officer in the «story - within - a-story» at the dark core the of film.
The photographs, drawings, and sculptures radiate outward from the narrative core of each film installment.
Djimon Hounsou plays Chief Bongo, and while he is not in much of the film, his side plot that connects to Tarzan is really the emotional core of the film and whether or not Tarzan is able to return back to the jungle after clearing up elements of his life from the past.
The approach to making a figure like Oral Roberts so down - to - earth, to make a topic like heresy so emotional and to make a place like church so relationally rich, makes the subject at the core of the film — the existence of hell — so opposite of what it has become for Christians: polarizing.
The core of the film is the story of one eight - day old boy and his circumcision which goes horribly wrong.
Yates recognizes that Snape's story is the core of this film, as well as the broader story, which in part explains why the opening shots are devoted to him.
The protracted lead - in to the core of the film works surprisingly well as we get comfortable with the characters who will eventually be endangered.
Hazanavicius has his fun with his smartarse New Wave pastiches, but the core of his film is about how a self - important goon treats a blameless young woman terribly, then gets away with it — having only a lifetime of adulation to look forward to.
Tom is, clearly, a selfish character and I think that's at the core of the film's narrative.
In fact, the scenes in which Wigand and Bergman go up against each other are the core of the film, and where it really comes alive.
Even though «Detroit» covers the five days of the riots (and flashes forward several years in the final act) the core of the film takes place at the motel that fateful night.
The story of their love and heroism, told against the grimly realistic background of pounding artillery and deadly ambushes, forms the core of the film.
Take, for instance, the mother / son relationship at the core of the film (we'd say «heart», though we're not sure it has one).
The core of the film is about communications and the idea that both love and lost go hand in hand.
At the core of the film though, and what really holds it all together are the two central performances from Bruce Willis and Haley Joel Osment,.
William Shatner is clearly not an experienced director, but the pacing is fine and the enduring friendship between the central characters that forms the core of the film shines through.
It's meticulously directed, the foley is as sharp and crowd pleasing as the finest Mamet dialogue, and Krasinski doesn't neglect the emotional core of the film — the family vying to survive, whose tensions, divisions and turmoil we experience in near silence, but with great expressivity and economy.
That's really the core of the film.
But the core of the film shows how Zamperini survived at sea for 47 days after a plane crash and then landed in a Japanese POW camp.
But it's Lady Bird's complex relationship with her mother that provides the heart and core of the film, making it one of the best of 2017
Gone Baby Gone is a praiseworthy film with standout performances, very good use of authentic slang and regional dialogue, and a thought - provoking argument at the core of the film about child welfare and well being.
At the core of the film, as with Superbad before it, is the friendship issues of the Rogen and Evan Goldberg characters (Baruchel here being an analog for Rogen's screenwriter / friend).
At the core of the film is the love between Ada and Inman.
For me, the core of this film is about how we are imprisoned by our own malignant guilt.
Therein lays the problem at the core of this film however: it offers the viewer nothing that they have not seen before.
The plot throws several curveballs (such as Anthony falling charmingly in love with a Latina motel worker), but the core of the film is the strength / fragility of the central friendships, bounded by motifs of sanity and craziness, imprisonment and escape.
Vanetia is not only the glue that holds her family together, but also the emotional core of this film, and Maxine Peake fully succeeds in realising her near - relentless perkiness in the face of incomprehensible emotional challenges.
At the core of the film, Joey is the real star.
Its dark turn of events transforms the film into something else entirely and due to its intense focus on the group of friends coming up with ways to manage the situation, neglects the exploration of female friendship that should have been at the core of the film.
A relationship between the precocious ape - lad and the cantankerous, balding Zugor becomes the core of the film, with Tarzan bartering his discovery of the monster's true identity for lessons on how to be a great ape.
The core of the film is meant to hinge off of Marcus and Olivia Hutton's (Sarah Gadon) sexual tension, taken from each other too soon.
It is the core of the film.
Working from a dynamite script by newcomer Liz Hannah and a polish by Josh Singer (the screenwriter of Spotlight, the 2015 Oscar winner about the Boston Globe's expose of sexual coverups in the Catholic Church), Spielberg never lets exposition slow down the First Amendment imperative at the core of his film.
There's no time to answer these questions as Farrant races through the first act to get to the mystery at the core of the film when the Parker children literally disappear one night.
Still, it's the two characters at the core of the film that raise the movie to must - see status.
The five emigrants at the core of the film sometimes call on a supporting cast to help tell their stories.
Gyllenhaal is just one part of the strong ensemble that make the core of the film work so well.
Salvo tells the story of a mob enforcer who foils an attack on his employer and tracks the man who did it only to encounter said Mafioso's blind sister, Rita, en route and opt not to murder her along with her brother, which in turn leads to the titular Salvo encountering an existential crisis that forms the core of the film.
Once you get to the core of this film, it feels as though a meeting was held to decide what happens in the film, and nobody objected to anything.

Phrases with «core of the film»

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