Sentences with phrase «core region»

These inferences are not based on actual simulations of tropical cyclones, whose core regions of strong winds can not be resolved by today's global climate models.
al. incorporated seven different Antarctic ice core regions consisting of 112 records and used four different reconstruction methods.
One of the biggest challenges for hurricane modeling is creating a model that can accurately depict the large - scale, environmental flow of the atmosphere that is largely responsible for steering the hurricane, while at the same time representing the finer scale details of the inner core region that determine the intensity of the storm.
Surrounding Sgr A * is a bar - shaped core region, and from this focal point extend four spiral arms that harbor vast quantities of dust and gas, the key ingredients for creating a new generation of stars.
Uber is whittling down the international markets it operates in so it can focus on core regions it feels like it can win.
The leading suspects in the half - century old mystery of the origin of the highest - energy cosmic particles in the universe were in galaxies called «active galactic nuclei,» which have a super-radiating core region around the central supermassive black hole.
This opens up the possibility that drugs to block Bcl - xL's anti-death function could target the more accessible IDR region, rather than the protected core region
However, clinical and new experimental data indicate early tumor dissemination immediately after an angiogenic switch has occurred and an intravasation of tumor cells in the tumor core region.
Four Main Parts The four main parts of the brain are the cerebrum, the cerebellum, a central core region called the «between brain,» and the brain stem.
This exercise in Fit Tower's Long and Strong DVD isolates the abdominal & core region through the use of the unique adjustable barre.
Some waves will bring you face - to - face with foes from the other core regions of the Estate.
Specifically, we examine relationships between isotopes in precipitation and local temperatures and precipitation amounts in the principal ice coring regions (Greenland, Antarctica and the tropical Andes) and the seawater isotope - salinity gradients in the ocean.
The latest addition to the BRAdigy ™ collection is the Tank - Teeni ™, a new line of tank tops and tee shirts with built - in compression for the core region.
Data previously collected by Tarduno and Rory Cottrell, an EES research scientist, together with theoretical models developed by Eric Blackman, a professor of physics and astronomy at Rochester, suggest the core region beneath southern Africa may be the birthplace of recent and future pole reversals.
The new data suggests the core region beneath southern Africa may be the birthplace of some of the more recent and future pole reversals.
As the plasma size increases, higher beam energy is necessary to deposit neutral beams at the core region of the confined plasma.
Since 1950 core regions in developing nations have been gaining population at a rate that poses grave social and economic problems
In the 1980s, Sawyer and colleagues showed that there is a core region, 34 amino acids long, that is highly conserved among all beta - keratins and forms a structural filament.
Scientists have suspected that this core region may also contain numerous smaller black holes tightly orbiting the supermassive one, but they've lacked evidence of such a swarm — until now.
When they altered the IDR to match changes that occur in normal cells at the start of the cell death process, the core region changed to a closed structure.
All main sequence stars have a core region where energy is generated by nuclear fusion.
«Most studies have used shortened versions of Bcl - xL that only contain the core region, but our method creates a molecule that better resembles the actual form in our cells,» Marassi says.
By combining their areas of expertise, the two labs demonstrated that changes to the chemistry of the IDR altered the structure of the core region of the Bcl - xL protein.
The CS structure has been generated by topotaxial oxidation of the core region.
Consequently, there is a high temperature gradient in the core region, which results in a convection zone for more efficient energy transport.
[30] Medium - sized, low mass stars like the Sun have a core region that is stable against convection, with a convection zone near the surface that mixes the outer layers.
When convection occurs in the core region it acts to stir up the helium ashes, thus maintaining the proportion of fuel needed for fusion to occur.
This is problematic, because the life of stars, and by implication of galaxies in the universe, is directed by the physical processes acting in their core regions.
Indeed, sometime after the tenuous gas of the Solar nebula began collapsing into the proto - Sun within its host molecular cloud, a strong magnetic field developed that was instrumental in transporting rotational energy away from its core region in bi-polar jets of gas so that centrifugal forces created by the nebula's collapse did not grow so much as to halt continuing gravitational contraction.
The pushing, pulling and rotating movements require high flexibility in the joints (ankles, hips and shoulders), joint stability is also key especially in the core region.
Although planks aren't the BEST for hypertrophying your superficial ab muscles, they are vital for strengthening the other muscles in your core region.
Because hip circles simultaneously stretch AND strengthen... They both lengthen AND tone the muscles of the pelvic floor and the entire hip and core region.
When you do compound exercises that target your lower body, like squats and deadlifts, you also work the muscles in your core region.
* In addition to the eight CORE regions, Shelby County Schools and the municipal districts that lie within the borders of Shelby County will be considered a 9th SSC area for the SOY selection program.
These investments were informed by the work of the Tennessee Transformational Leadership Advisory Council, which in 2016 developed the Tennessee Transformational Leadership Alliance (TTLA) to serve as an incubator for leader development programs in all CORE regions.
Sales increased in all core regions: Europe (+7.6 %), North America (+5.3 %) with further growth in the plateaued US market (+4 %) and in Asia - Pacific (+0.5 %).
These include the inflow of low - level air into the hurricane's inner core region; the supply of the storm's energy from the evaporation of water from the ocean surface; updrafts of warm, moist air that feed thunderstorms in the core region of the storm, which help to intensify the hurricane; and the outflow of cooler, drier air at upper levels of the troposphere:
Western China and central Asia are positioned centrally along the Millennium Silk Road — a core region bridging the east and west.
Understanding the potential changes in climate over this core region is important to the successful implementation of «Belt and Road Initiative» (a US$ 1 trillion regional investment in infrastructure).
Howard Hanna Co., a leader in the Cleveland and Pittsburgh markets, has found that its ancillary services are helping it thrive despite profound economic struggles in its core regions.
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