Sentences with phrase «core subjects like»

Not only are the arts intrinsically valuable, but also the arts offer opportunities for teaching core subjects like mathematics and English.
Thirty 20 - minute Grades 6 - 8 lessons integrate core subjects like math, language arts and science.
When Laumatia told parents she was going to create a school where learning would be individualized and fun, where kids would learn about Hawaiian culture and teachers would use art and music to teach core subjects like science and math, a lot of parents immediately said, «Where do I sign up?»
Some activities also include core subjects like mathematics and English when students attend them for remediation purposes.
The change has three main prongs: principals making more frequent and rigorous classroom observations; teachers in core subjects like math and English receiving ratings based on how their students perform on standardized tests; and teachers in grades and subjects where those tests don't apply devising other ways to chart student growth, in collaboration with their principals and using advice from the state.
It's no longer enough for schools to only provide instruction in core subjects like math, science and reading.
In core subjects like computing and physics, targets were missed by over 30 %.
Teachers can give students what they need, when they need it, particularly in core subjects like math, at the elementary and high school level.
The teachers and administrators at ACE realize that recognition is a large part of student success, and honor student achievements in core subjects like reading and math.
Mr Dugher added: «The government is right to focus on academic excellence in core subjects like maths and English, but they shouldn't neglect music in schools and I'm afraid that's happening at the moment.»
More students now have teachers who can help them become proficient learners, especially in core subjects like reading and math.
It is now included in some core subjects like science and geography, and as a cross-curricular theme.
At KIPP Ascend, regular class periods, or blocks, are twice as long as the average block — 110 minutes every day for core subjects like math, reading, social studies, and science.
Most colleges employed (and many still do) placement tests to determine whether an entering student was adequately prepared to undertake credit - bearing courses in core subjects like math and English, with remedial classes assigned to those who weren't.
This knowledge can be diffused in core subjects like maths, science and even literacy lessons.

Not exact matches

The approach to making a figure like Oral Roberts so down - to - earth, to make a topic like heresy so emotional and to make a place like church so relationally rich, makes the subject at the core of the film — the existence of hell — so opposite of what it has become for Christians: polarizing.
Like Freud, Lasch seems to write from the very core of his being on this subject.
So, even a scientific law like gravitation, is still being subjected to new studies which modify our understanding of gravity without radically changing its core tenants.
School districts would like to see kids have more time for lunch but are pressed to meet testing objectives, and therefore have weighted core subject areas with a higher time priority.
Our new English Baccalaureate — the set of core subjects that colleges most like and employees most want means that this September, for the first time in years...
With boards ranging from grade - specific collections like First Grade Fun, Second Grade Smiles, and Third Grade Troop to boards devoted to specific core curriculum subjects and themes (e.g., science, math, robotics) or grade ranges (e.g., middle school science), teachers have raced onto the Pinterest scene, virtual thumbtacks and staplers at the ready, and are actively pinning away.
I used to avoid core work like the plague and now I teach core classes but I feel like my knowledge in the subject is not very deep.
Teaching a core tested subject like middle school math in the challenging environment of urban public schools is a high - stakes game.
Other industrial nations recognize that more time can equal more learning: Countries like Germany and Japan have longer school days and years, lengthening the focus on core academic subjects.
Like a similar effort in neighboring Maine, Vermont's «Common Core» does not separate learning by traditional academic subjects.
Like Stanford, Hamilton makes international arts a core subject and emphasizes global topics in every class.
To choose a reliable contractor to perform core maintenance like this, SAPCA has approved members who pass strict entry criteria and are subject to random installation and performance checks, which you can access on the SAPCA website to give you the piece of mind of knowing that your pitch is in qualified hands.
With Spotlight, parents are texted a link to a personalized video that provides context about their child's report card, such as a history of the child's performance in core subjects, areas for growth, and recommendations to further support the child's learning — like attending the local library's reading group or using a free online math platform.
And forget about the massive changes in instructional schedules as schools have been forced to reduce «specials» like art, music, PE and academic subjects like social studies to make room for the Common Core mandated subjects.
Teachers should be required to have core majors in all colleges, like history or science, not a general education degree that teaches how to teach but doesn't focus on understanding the subjects they'll be teaching.
As a Physical Education teacher by choice I also have certification in Biology and General science two high needs areas I have reservations about individual contract negotiations and Tiered salary from the outside it would benefit core subject teachers Math, Science, Special ed with increased salary opportunities but mostly as any Corporate structure would do is pare back on other subject area salaries the non core subjects this could create a situation inwhich some teachers would carry more burden than others and whether we like it or not the most memorable classes for many students are art, gym, music and home economics because of their practical applications in life.
The additional funding is targeted toward proven reforms like reducing class sizes, ensuring qualified teachers in all core subjects, increasing the number of high school counselors, quality teacher and principal training, time for collaboration, and promoting parental involvement.
To receive a grant, the school must institute a longer day that includes a combination of core academic instruction, with longer periods devoted to subjects like math, science and language arts, enrichment opportunities, and time for teacher collaboration and planning.
Develop standards and assessments in subjects vital to protecting national security, like science, technology, and foreign language, by expanding the Common Core State Standards effort.
However programs like Harwood's that offer academic credit in core subject areas are rare, Parton said.
«We're having to work much harder to make it more fun, desirable - they don't see languages as being as important as the core subjects and I don't think that schools do generally either with literacy, numeracy and science seen as more important over subjects like languages.»
Like other high schools, our curriculum includes core subjects.
Perhaps the authors are contending that subjects outside the core academic subjects like reading and math are being taught less.
Some principals say that, while they would like to be able to offer music programs, they have to prioritize core academic subjects.
Students begin the day with a morning meeting; engage in workshop - like classes for core subjects; and participate in enrichment classes such as art, physical education and music.
In California, charter schools are required to hire credentialed teachers for core and college preparatory subjects just like all traditional public schools.
Instead of cutting it out like many districts do in order to spend more time on core subjects, they're adding additional recess periods.
The fact that videogames have come so far in the subjects they can tackle and the quality of the narratives they can tell never ceases to amaze and delight me, but there's something to be said for games like Saints Row IV as well, games that hark back to what this form of media has always been about at its very core: fun.
Work by academic art stars like Bouguereau and Cabanel from the Paris Salon look like soft - core porn, and everybody knows that old master subjects like The Three Graces and The Judgement Of Paris are mostly a front for putting the -LSB-.....]
Oh and if you like fantasy fiction and are interested in ice cores, why not check out the Answers In Genesis (Young earth creationists) page on the subject; --RRB-
Also would like to see the temperatures of different colored spheres in space to test the hypothesis that no surface property can be changed to alter the average or core temperature of a passively heated sphere subject to unidirectional IR radiation.
Several here (Ferdinand, Bart, suyts, DeNihilist have mentioned ice cores so if I may I'd like to pick up on that subject.
However, an improved calibration isn't going to change the first order conclusion that ice core CO2, like other gas analyses, is heavily low pass filtered, and should not blend smoothly into the instrument record, even as it has been subjected to heavy - handed processing to produce the Keeling Curve.
- Sturla Gunnarsson «Readers... will find Suzuki's tangential musings on subjects like argon molecules, shrinking swordfish, or the role of salmon in fertilizing forests some of the book's best reading... at the core of his writing lurks a scientist's wonder at the world, and a compelling sincerity that makes you believe - or at least, want to believe -[there is] still some hope for this muddled planet.»
Maybe I'm wrong to think that the core subject matter under review should have been a set of computer programs running on a web server, but it seems like a reasonable assumption to make.
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