Sentences with phrase «corn and soybean»

Despite using nearly 90 percent less fertilizer, corn and soybean yields increased, soil quality improved, and soil erosion decreased by 25 percent, all without decreasing profitability.
The region is made up of small towns and mid-size cities, but mostly it is known for agriculture, particularly corn and soybean fields.
The research suggests that the turbine blades that generate renewable energy might also help corn and soybean crops stay cooler and drier..
If you think that seed oils like corn and soybean oil are good for you, think again.
But if you turn the bag over, you'll see that beef and bone meal is the third ingredient, behind corn and soybean meal.
And though corn and soybean prices have fallen off recently, they had in the last couple of years been sky - high, meaning less incentive to get into the organic feed business.
I suggest it, because I think that maintaining your cat on a diet that is primarily corn and soybean - based, will bring on its own set of health issues.
Now, nearly all American corn and soybean farmers grow genetically modified seed.
Corn and soybean fields look similar from space — at least they used to.
Corn and soybean meal are good plant sources of protein but plant sources of protein are generally not considered as good for dogs as meat sources.
Corn and soybean farmers might as well be soldiers locked in an ever - escalating war against the weeds that threaten their crops.
... In the long run, we want to see the free movement of goods,» said Austin Rincker, a fourth - generation farmer of corn and soybeans in Moweaqua, a central Illinois village just south of Decatur.
In the past few weeks, the value of hogs has declined by about $ 20 a head on the commodities market, said Duncan, who also grows corn and soybeans on about 4,000 acres in Polo, Ill., about 115 miles west of Chicago.
Crops such as corn and soybeans flourish when nitrogen - containing fertilizer is applied to Midwestern fields, but many farmers routinely apply more fertilizer than their crops can take up.
On a 40 - acre plot where he grows corn and soybeans in rotation, Ortner has worked with Michigan State University researchers for the past several years to reduce his nitrogen fertilizer use.
Half of the nitrogen and a quarter of the phosphorous that runs into the gulf comes from corn and soybean fields in the Midwest, he said.
Stanford University scientists David Lobell and Gregory Asner conducted an empirical analysis of the effect of temperature on U.S. corn and soybean yields.
The rising interest in no - tillage production practices among organic farmers has recently created considerable advancement in the development of a cover crop - based, reduced tillage organic corn and soybean production.
The pork industry makes up a major part of livestock market for corn and soybeans farmers in the region.
But extreme weather conditions are something the monarch mass migration has faced before; in fact, it's really habitat loss that is killing them - including forest degradation, poor land use (such as farming on steep slopes) and the use of herbicide in massively - expanding, genetically - modified corn and soybean farms, which eliminates wild food sources for the monarch.
Beyond this period, the organic system rebounded and consistently produced corn and soybean yields that matched or surpassed the conventional system.
He lives in the heart of GMO corn and soybean country, which
For 3 years, this environmental researcher at the University of North Carolina was part of a team that studied the performance of a 12 - acre constructed wetland built to treat nitrogen wastes draining off a 2,200 - acre area of fields planted with corn and soybeans.
An invasive weed that has put some southern cotton farmers out of business is now finding its way across the Midwest — and many corn and soybean growers don't yet appreciate the threat, University of Illinois researchers report.
Conventional corn and soybean prices continue to drop, contributing to increased organic acreage across the United States as farmers attempt to boost their margins.
View graphs of monthly temperature and precipitation, plot corn and soybean yield trends, and compare climate and yields over the past 30 years.
Moreover, Lusk argues that farmers who use insect - resistant corn and soybean seeds use less insecticide than those who don't.
Tim Mueller has raised corn and soybeans on 530 acres near Columbus, Neb., for decades, but now he is planning to take a huge gamble.
«Citigroup forecasts seasonal records for U.S. corn and soybean harvests.
Greater corn and soybean yields in organic systems compared to conventional system during drought stress periods can be attributed to greater soil water content in the organic systems, coupled with greater season - long availability of essential plant nutrients.
1 - Cargill's corn and soybean non-GMO producer programs are based in North America; the high oleic canola producer program is based in Australia.
In addition to being one of the state's top coal, corn and soybean producers, this city is also home to businesses operating in numerous industries, including aluminum production, plastic injection molding and food processing.
You don't mind that the USDA, with the full knowledge of Congress, uses your tax dollars to subsidize corn and soybean crops which keeps companies like Monsanto and ConAgra fat and happy while Congress throws a measly 6 cents per meal at school lunch every 5 yrs.?
I suppose I'm not exactly fulfilling the land rental part now quite properly either, since the land isn't in an area where human food crops are grown... mostly corn and soybeans.
In the second week of November, central Indiana is a patchwork of tawny and black: here a field covered with a stubble of dried corn and soybean plants; a little farther on, bare earth where the farmer has plowed under the residue of last summer's crop.
The herbicide developed by Dow AgroSciences, a unit of Dow Chemical Co, is to be used with new genetically modified corn and soybean crops developed by Dow to tolerate treatments of the herbicide.
Guan says most previous attempts to differentiate corn and soybean from these images were based on the visible and near - infrared part of the spectrum, but he and his team decided to try something different.
University of Illinois scientists used short - wave infrared bands from Landsat satellites to accurately distinguish corn and soybeans during the growing season.
«We found a spectral band, the short - wave infrared (SWIR), that was extremely useful in identifying the difference between corn and soybean,» says Yaping Cai, Ph.D. student and first author of the work, following the guidance of Guan and another senior co-author, Shaowen Wang in the Department of Geography at U of I.
As fertilizer used on Midwestern corn and soybeans runs off fields and into nearby streams, it ends up, eventually, in the Mississippi River.
«The large machines used to harvest row crops such as wheat, corn and soybeans provide a natural platform for improving efficiency,» said Richard Sowers, a professor of industrial and enterprise systems engineering and of mathematics at the University of Illinois.
Today, most U.S. corn and soybeans come from seeds that had been coated with neonicotinoids.
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