Sentences with phrase «corn genome»

The complex corn genome — coming in at a hearty two billion base pairs (compared with the human genome's 2.9 billion base pairs)-- has been mapped by more than 150 researchers, who worked for years to decipher the grain's genetic code.
The corn genome actually has 12,000 more genes than humans do and manages to stuff them onto 10 chromosomes (as opposed to humans» 23).
«I think there are a lot of mini tour de forces in the corn genome that we can use for looking at human disease.»
McClintock found them in the corn genome, for example, and they have counterparts in fruit flies.
A whopping 85 percent of the corn genome consists of these «transposable elements.»
By measuring populations of corn plants planted across North America, they could test how the corn genomes responded to different growing conditions.
De Leon and her collaborators found that the regions of the corn genome that have undergone a high degree of selection — for example, gene regions that contribute to high yield in a particular location — were associated with a reduced capacity of corn to respond to variable environments than genomic regions that weren't directly acted on by breeders.
Using techniques collectively known as molecular breeding, geneticists have started to return results in a variety of plants, said Ed Buckler, a plant geneticist at Cornell University who recently helped sequence the corn genome.
By measuring populations of corn plants across North America, de Leon and colleagues could test how the corn genomes responded to different growing conditions.
Joe Gage is one of the researchers who found that the regions of the corn genome that have undergone a high degree of selection were associated with a reduced capacity of corn to respond to variable environments.
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