Sentences with phrase «corporate elite»

The phrase "corporate elite" refers to a small group of powerful and influential individuals who hold top positions in large businesses or corporations. They often have significant control over decision-making and hold significant wealth and authority within their respective industries. Full definition
Eight corporate elites who demonstrated the size of their charitable heart through random, minor acts of kindness.
Despite the volatile nature of activity, more than a few South Korean corporate elite engage in it.
We need to draw upon a specifically English story that points to the battle for social justice born of a proud tradition of personal liberty and independence - as resentful of corporate elites as meddling bureaucracy.
DFER is actually part of a much larger multi-headed beast that also includes Education Reform Now and Education Reform Now Advocacy, two tax - exempt entities that allow the billionaires and corporate elite behind the charter school industry to funnel hundreds of millions of dollars into political, lobbying and advocacy efforts.
He added that: «to do so would put us against the majority will of the British people and on the side of certain corporate elites, who have always had the British people at the back of the queue.»
Khanna's book «Technocracy in America» is all the rage for corporate elites and the young, often highly educated hipsters immersed in the global sustainability movement.
This deadly coal plant will benefit the few corporate elites in Kenya.
On the evening of Oct. 18, 2011, exactly 82 years after the Supreme Court ruled that women were indeed persons, a flock of corporate elite descended on Toronto's Fairmont Hotel to celebrate the progress women have made, and investigate the work still to be done.
She is a United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce board member and has been recognized with several awards, including corporate elite by Hispanic Business Magazine and Hispanic lifestyle Latina of influence.
HNA is part of a new breed of aggressive Chinese deal makers that have risen, seemingly out of nowhere, into the ranks of the global corporate elite.
Between the lines I read that the feds need to stop listening to whining corporate elites, whose cries inevitably come back to tax cuts, deregulation, more «free trade» (investor rights) deals and reduced public services as the means to «competitiveness».
First, the growing concentration of unaccountable wealth and power in the hands of a tiny corporate elite.
Knowledge is the new privileged form of capital and at least in the schools is increasing coming under the control of policies set by the ultra-rich, religious fundamentalists, and major corporate elites.
Her board of corporate elite even gave her a $ 25,000 bonus that year, all so that she could continue to push their pro-charter school, pro-Common Core, pro-Common Core testing and anti-teacher political agenda.
Corporate elites talk peace and prosperity in their ivory towers, but war rages down in the shadows and out amidst the asteroids far from Earth.
There is of course a concerted black propaganda op being conducted against the environmental movement by the international corporate elite (for want of a better way of describing them), spearheaded by the most powerful of them all — the US «division», and it's been going on for some years now, and the Golden Rice project, so - called, has brought it to a crecendo, as it was designed to do.
Rather than a Green Bank, the World Bank is revealing itself to be a banker for the super-powerful corporate elite.
Achieving real mitigation requires breaking free from the oppressive pressures of a globalized economy and a deregulation program that only serves the wealthy corporate elite while sacrificing people and the planet's ecosystems.
Expanding first to Connecticut and then to Massachusetts, Families for Excellent School has become the preferred money pipeline of choice for a group of corporate elite who seek to anonymously fund the effort to privatize public education in the United States.
Shadow chancellor John McDonnell said that Labour would not seek to prevent or delay Brexit, labeling those trying to do so as being «on the side of certain corporate elites».
Mayor Bill de Blasio has tried to forge better ties with New York City's corporate elite in his first six months in office, but he still encounters deep skepticism in the business world, from small firms to Wall Street.
Having read the riot act to the corporate elite, our superstar central banker can depart for London, secure in the knowledge that Canadian companies will eventually have little choice but to start spending all that accumulated cash.
Upgrade your skills with a business - class program that fits your schedule and connects you to the world's corporate elite.
This study, which polled «thousands of members of the corporate elite» provides the following seven tactics.
Thankfully, researchers are constantly probing the personalities, habits and even physical characteristics of the corporate elite.
So the fact that Tesla, one of several innovative companies that Musk is juggling, is now a newly minted member of the 500 Club — arriving for the first time this year on Fortune's annual register of the biggest U.S. companies — might strike some as a curious, if marvelous, oddity: the brash, antiestablishment carmaker parked in one of the reserved spaces for America's corporate elite.
U.S. officials and the corporate elite have strayed, but rising middle classes will keep straightening out the crooked.
Amidst all the frenetic disarray of budget day, I had an interesting and informative exchange on CBC's Power & Politics with John Manley, former Liberal Finance and Industry Minister, and now chief lobbyist for Canada's corporate elite (as President and Chief Executive of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives).
The Edison Achievement Award is bestowed among the corporate elite serving as an inspiration to future business leaders and innovators.
As the corporate elite have taken up more and more of the seats on elder teams and deacon boards they have brought with them a blueprint for success based on business.
As the corporate elite have taken up more and more of the seats on elder teams and deacon boards they have brought with them a blueprint for success based on...
Electrical Trades Union state secretary Troy Gray said demand for a Senate inquiry was coming from ordinary workers in factories, shops, offices and service providers, where «powerless and voiceless Australians spend their working lives, our of sight from the political and corporate elite».
«Ian Murphy has been portrayed by the media as the nation's most famous prank caller, but his call to Gov. Walker was done to point out how entwined the Democrats and Republicans are with the corporate elite,» said state Green Party Co-Chair Peter LaVenia in a press release this morning.
«To do so would put us against the majority will of the British people and on the side of certain corporate elites, who have always had the British people at the back of the queue.»
Ed Miliband was right to see that the banks and finance sector, the corporate elite, and the media had far too much power and had abused it by inflating their own income and wealth at the expense of everyone else and by seeking to suppress all those forces, notably the trade unions, that stood up for the poor and dispossessed.
Senator Schumer and corporate elites have been promoting the top - two primary system.
A damning documentary which makes a convincing case that neither the federal government nor the corporate elite could care less about the plight of the working class.
The billionaires, millionaires and corporate elite who fund charter schools give generously to Democratic and Republican politicians and the politicians return the favor by shifting public funds into the coffers of the privately owned, but publicly funded charter schools.
The truth is that the corporate elite behind the Pro-Common Core, Pro-Common Core testing, Pro-Charter School and Anti-teacher agenda that Dannel Malloy has been pushing have become Malloy's most important sources of campaign cash.
There is a reason the corporate elite and outside groups are spending so much money to get Malloy's bill passed and Bridgeport's new Foundation set up.
As another poster mentioned, no one in suburbia was subject to such high - handed techniques, nor were they really paying attention (golf courses for the corporate elite are a different matter — Adamowski is a golfer, I hear).
Together these corporate elite are part of an unprecedented effort to privatize public education at the state level.
But have no fear, Bill Gates, Paul Allen and the other the corporate elite behind education reform continue their fight to force Washington State voters to accept and pay for charter schools.
When Bridgeport Connecticut Mayor Bill Finch engaged in his failed attempt to do away with Bridgeport's democratically elected board of education and replace it with one that he would appoint, a coalition of corporate education reform groups and corporate elite, including Mayor Mike Bloomberg, dropped in enough campaign donations to make it the most expensive charter revision campaign in Connecticut history.
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