Sentences with phrase «corporate governance structure»

She lacks managerial experience or capacity and knowledge of corporate governance structures and regulatory compliance.
Mr. Goh stated that the purpose of the proposals was to achieve a suitable corporate governance structure in the company at the board level for the «Maximization of the Shareholder value».
O'Neill was also previously vice president, advisory services with PricewaterhouseCoopers, where among other responsibilities, he advised Boards of Directors and senior management teams on effective corporate governance structures and policies.
Vineta Čukste - Jurjeva advised Lielupe Tennis Centre on the merger of four state - owned companies and the creation of new corporate governance structures, and Valters Kronbergs continues to advise Microsoft on various corporate matters.
Looking ahead, HUAWEI will harness its business focus and visionary corporate governance structure to realize the opportunities presented by ICT convergence.
Prior to the establishment of corporate governance structures, like PBCs or other incorporated bodies, many traditional owners establish more informal decision making bodies.
But unlike a typical venture deal with a corporate governance structure in place, investors don't get a board seat, voting control or shareholder protections, and they hold no equity.
corporate governance structure, with its strong emphasis on Board independence, makes an absolute independent chairman requirement unnecessary.
While Glass Lewis, along with the Company's shareholders, will not know the extent of the bid - rigging and its effect on the Company, we anticipate that concerns will be raised regarding the Company's corporate governance structure and internal controls.
Yesterday the Office of Rail Regulator watchdog ruled that Network Rail was in breach of its licence because of «poor performance and high levels of delays», prompting shadow transport secretary Maria Eagle to call for its corporate governance structure to be reformed.
In Canada, the government of New Brunswick abolished elected school boards in 1996 in favor of a corporate governance structure that gave absolute power to the Minister of Education.
In my view, a true legal services company (as distinct from a firm) has three key elements: (i) it is an incorporated company, (ii) it has a corporate governance structure, and (iii) it has a corporate management structure.
However, they also work on an understanding that local territories differ and local consumers have different needs across the globe, therefore from a legal perspective, we have been supported to create the right legal frameworks and corporate governance structures for our local territories whilst always working closely with our regional and parent company colleagues to ensure the existence of as cohesive arrangements in the group as possible.
Florida Gulf Coast Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council - Reviewed bylaws and corporate governance structure
Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation's (OILC) corporate governance structure is set out in the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation Act, 2011.
So, in both cases, I think their actions reflect what they think is best for the company, even if the corporate governance structures employed are not common.»
They will also work on a corporate governance structure, a customer management system and internal controls.»
Litecoin is faster than Bitcoin and more agile because its corporate governance structure allows it to try ne things and experiment more quickly,» said Trevor Koverko, CEO of Polymath a securities token platform.
using other corporations such as those set up under corporations law, community councils or state - based land rights systems as the corporate governance structure,
Corporate governance structures that represent traditional owners are established under a range of enactments including, the NTA, Aboriginal Councils and Associations Act 1976 (Cwlth) and corporations law, generally.
[33] Two of the participating groups have begun developing their corporate governance structures that will reflect the law and custom with respect to elements such as claim group membership, representation and distribution of benefits.
Parallel to the template negotiation process, two of the participating groups have begun developing their corporate governance structures, taking into consideration how they manage and implement their responsibilities under a final ILUA.
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