Sentences with phrase «corporate greed yet»

Skelos twitter feed (@SenatorSkelos) responds: «Hypocritical @AlecBaldwin rages against corporate greed yet is a paid spokesperson for corporate giant Cap One.»

Not exact matches

«The question of federal mediation is a distraction to the real problem: Verizon's corporate greed,» the unions said in a statement, adding it has not yet contacted the FMCS.
There are many big laughs (a musical orientation video from a maximum security prison in Norway brings down the house), and yet the film is also tremendously sobering in its cumulative impact, illustrating with acute clarity how the corporate greed fueling our economy has resulted in an anti-humanist society of disastrous proportions.
I don't se why pubs don't just let devs play to they're strengths, let them do what they're good at and have a reasonable, yet a «guaranteed» amount of financial success with they're games, but instead of that we get corporate meddling, following popular trends and possibly, companies gambling its brands reputation away along with the people that work for them, all for a chance, not a «guarantee», at making as big a profit as they're greed allows Tldr They'd rather gamble it all and «try» to get all the profits, then guarantee success and get a reasonable amount of the profits
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