Sentences with phrase «corporate reform agenda»

Of course, the proponents of corporate education reform have been riding high for more than two decades thanks to the policies and politics of Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, both of whom used their time in office to promote charter schools and the broader corporate reform agenda.
In his Jan. 21 State of the State address, Gov. Andrew Cuomo embraced the corporate reform agenda for education with a vengeance.
«They work in service of a corporate reform agenda that rids communities of veteran teachers, privatizes public schools, and forces a corporatized, data - driven culture upon unique low - income communities with unique dynamics and unique challenges.»
Otherwise, I plan to continue voting against, speaking against and acting against any and all corporate reform agendas.
Villaraigosa has a long track record of trying to advance the corporate reform agenda.
Misinformation is part of a continuing strategy to paint a picture of American public schools as failures in order to sell the public the Common Core, charter schools and the corporate reform agenda.
«The idea of laying off all the teachers and privatizing as many public schools as possible seems to be part of the corporate reform agenda to transform public education into a free market entrepreneurial activity,» Ravitch said.
He has heard our stories of our children suffering as a result of the Board of Regent's corporate reform agenda, and replied, «full steam ahead.»
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