Sentences with phrase «corporate response»

However, what hasn't changed is the normal corporate response to a product recall.
A slammed door and a «not - invented - here» policy were de rigueur corporate responses to shareholder proposals.
In the wake of highly viral videos of a passenger being forcibly dragged off a plane, and corporate response under fire, Unit...
Additionally, Co manages the company's relationship with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and participates in the development of corporate responses to regulatory initiatives.
In fact, the most common corporate response has been neither strategic nor operational but cosmetic: public relations and media campaigns, the centerpieces of which are often glossy CSR reports that showcase companies» social and environmental good deeds.
Mr Sims said «The response from Coles and Mr Durkan is an appropriate and responsible corporate response to the Court outcome».
I'll resist the usual corporate response here — i.e. bunging out some pro-forma table, omitting all the bad bits — though obviously I must highlight my ex-Zamano FY - 2016 Return would otherwise have been +7.7 %, significantly ahead of my benchmark.
According to the Star, which is running a series on corporate responses to Earth Hour, at Enbridge:
A smart corporate response from Facebook would grant that the remarkable innovations and technology that have created its news feed, an often addictive and for now free product, are now being exploited for goals that are not always socially desirable.
All week, his delegation touted the corporate response to the reforms.
He has the knack of joining his people in the pew at the same time that he addresses them, and of sharing with his folk in a corporate response to the sermon.
Members can individually hear the words of a sermon or analytical presentation, but their corporate response depends upon the signals they subsequently trade with each other.
However, Holmgren and Hurowitz point out, consumer expectations of greater attention to environmental issues are driving the corporate response.
«The concept of performance - based salaries is an industry - based, corporate response to a human endeavor: increasing student performance,» according to Macon County Schools» pitch.
The Institute for Policy Studies and the Global Development and Environment Institute at Tufts University (GDAE) initiated the January 31 economist statement that provoked the corporate response.
«The success of the Portfolio Decarbonization Coalition is a clear signal to both governments and companies that climate change, and the corporate response to it, is critical to shareholder value and investor interests going forward,» said Solheim.
UPDATE IV: As far as the corporate response goes, ExxonMobil has launched a web page dedicated to this spill.
Corporate response to widespread environmental awareness ranges from the positive and transparent to the unfortunate and deceptive.
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