Sentences with phrase «correlated measurement model»

Correlations among variables are provided in Table I based on an initial confirmatory factor analysis of a 5 - factor, correlated measurement model (χ2 = 550.35, df = 125, p <.01, RMSEA = 0.05, and CFI = 0.93).

Not exact matches

Recent advances in the statistical theory of hierarchical linear models should enable important breakthroughs in the measurement of psychological change and the study of correlates of change.
The IPCC claims the models» global (wide) mean annual temperatures is highly correlated (0.98) with measured actual (ignoring for now the question of the validity and reliability (noise) of the measurements themselves).
Modification indices for covariances among measurement errors suggested that allowing the items «run one or more red lights» and «speed through a yellow light» to correlate would substantially improve the model fit (and it also made sense conceptually that these two items were related).
Two different models were tested: a global organizational justice model (with and without correlated measurement errors) and a differentiated (distributive, procedural and interactional organizational justice)... justice model (with and without correlated measurement errors).
GEE models also enables the correlation structure of the data (i.e., without assuming that measurements taken at successive points in time are equally correlated or that they have an unstructured pattern of correlations) to be modeled.
Further, measurement invariance across parental roles was tested applying the modified version of the correlated uniqueness model (Tagliabue and Lanz 2014) because of the non-independence of observations.
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