Sentences with phrase «cosmic distances»

The observation sets a new cosmic distance record and takes astronomers one step closer to the first galaxies of the universe.
The huge eyes of the Large Binocular Telescope in Arizona are staring across vast cosmic distances in the hope of finding signs of alien life
The use of type Ia supernovae for cosmic distance measurements does not depend heavily on knowing the mechanism by which they detonate, so the new work will not unseat dark energy as a widely accepted component of the universe.
In particular, the prototype of a class of stars used to determine cosmic distances turned up a few surprises, according to scientists presenting new observations here at the 217th meeting of the American Astronomical Society.
A report in this week's Science finds that these bright flashes do seem to spread out by the same amount and are born from stars of identical masses, which may help refine cosmic distance measurements.
These hypothetical defects in the curvature of space - time, which may or may not be related to string theory, would be infinitesimally thin but would stretch across cosmic distances.
If all supernovas are essentially the same, Baade reasoned, their light can be used as «standard candles» to reckon cosmic distances.
«Hubble breaks cosmic distance record: Sees universe soon after Big Bang.»
The team thinks dispersion could be used to help compute cosmic distances with greater precision — if more radio bursts can be detected and their cause can be isolated.
They may also help us probe the nature of dark energy by giving us a new way to measure cosmic distances.
Furthermore, scientists rely on Type Ia supernova to gauge cosmic distances.
(Redshift is a term used by astronomers to mark cosmic distances by denoting how much an object's light has shifted into shorter wavelengths due to the expansion of the universe.)
Cry Engine was not built to handle space game with the needed precision to take into account cosmic distance.
This has been the best explanation for why the relic energy from the Big Bang, called the cosmic microwave background radiation, appears to be relatively uniform over vast cosmic distances.
The explosion was officially designated GRB 090423, after its type (a gamma - ray burst) and date of detection; the space agency quickly announced it as the new record holder for cosmic distance.
Likewise, cepheids will remain extremely useful for determining cosmic distances, says Marengo.
Astronomers made the measurements by streamlining and strengthening the construction of the cosmic distance ladder, which is used to measure accurate distances to galaxies near and far from Earth.
String theory is a popular shot at bringing together two disparate scales — the tiny world of quantum particles, where the standard model holds sway, and the cosmic distances over which gravity acts.
As this light travels the vast cosmic distances to Earth, the ongoing expansion of the universe shifts the once infrared light into longer millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths, all thanks to the Doppler effect.
By pushing the NASA / ESA Hubble Space Telescope to its limits astronomers have shattered the cosmic distance record by measuring the distance to the most remote galaxy ever seen in the Universe.
Even today, Cepheid variables remain a major rung on the cosmic distance ladder.
However, 100 light - years is very small in cosmic distances.
The camp will explore the theme of the cosmic distance ladder in the Universe via several astronomical sessions, including lectures, hands - on activities and night - time observations with the telescopes of the Observatory, alongside various social activities, winter sports and excursions.
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