Sentences with phrase «cosmic void»

The phrase "cosmic void" refers to an enormous empty space in the universe that lacks stars, galaxies, and other celestial objects. It is like a massive emptiness or a vast hole in space. Full definition
Others are searching for phenomena that could explain the unexpected patterns: in particular, the cold spot has been linked to a giant cosmic void.
The city, Hekesville, is also falling into some sort of cosmic void from which Kat must rescue it with the help of a magical cat and an eccentric old man in a flashers coat, all the while fighting off attention from a sexy rival and living in an oversized sewer pipe.
If the Milky Way exists in the biggest cosmic void ever observed, that could solve a puzzling mismatch between ways to measure how fast the universe is expanding.
A while back we had a great discussion about cosmic voids... and how they are everywhere and take up a huge amount of space in the universe.
Gaping cosmic voids might hold the answers to dark matter, dark energy and the very foundations of the universe.
One way to test these ideas is to measure the expansion rate over time, which should leave a mark on cosmic voids.
But their imprint remained, frozen in a pattern of high - and low - density distributions of matter that would ultimately develop into vast collections of galaxies and relatively empty cosmic voids.
New observations have led astronomers to suggest that Copernicus may have been wrong and Earth does have a special place in the universe: at the center of a gigantic cosmic void.
Simulations of how cosmic structures form suggest that most galaxies clump along dense filaments of dark matter, which are separated by vast cosmic voids.
So far, the DES analysis backs this up: The maps show large filaments of matter along which visible galaxies and galaxy clusters lie and cosmic voids where very few galaxies reside.
He reasoned that if one were to embrace the idea of immateriality and limitless possibility proposed by his fathomless azure blue, one could not help but become sensible to the immeasurable cosmic void.
The observations that led astronomers to deduce its existence could have another explanation: our galaxy lies at the center of a giant cosmic void
Photos of our Earth from hundreds, thousands, millions, or even billions of miles away not only help scientists understand how a habitable planet looks from afar, aiding the search to find more cozy worlds, but also remind us of a humbling, chilling, and inescapable truth: We live on a tiny, fragile rock that is hopelessly lost in the cosmic void.
We know that the whole creation has been groaning in travail together until now...» (Romans 8:19,22) From one point of view revelation is the surprising and interruptive utterance of a word of promise into what otherwise is interpretable as a cosmic void.
And Yan - Chuan Cai of the University of Edinburgh waxes similar about the fifth force he's hunting: «Cosmic voids are underdense environments where the fifth force is expected to be more active,» he says, so they «are perhaps better laboratories for testing modified gravity.»
The early universe was a featureless soup of hot plasma that somehow grew into the dense galaxy clusters and cosmic voids we know today.
As tiny creatures inhabiting a pale blue dot lost in the cosmic void, the true size of the universe we live in was, for the longest time, beyond our grasp, until, in 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope was launched.
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