Sentences with phrase «cost companies»

This is a reward offered by many temporary car insurance providers to those drivers who haven't cost the company money through filing claims.
The final blow came when an error was detected in a prior year's tax return, which cost the company $ 50,000 in back taxes, interest, and penalties.
Of course, this does cost your company more money — money that they are interested in saving.
On - site interviews cost companies in terms of time and resources, so if you don't screen well, they won't invest in you.
The time, energy, and money invested in a single employee costs a company thousands of dollars; dollars wasted every time an employee exits.
It's an expensive mistake — bad hiring mistakes cost companies millions of dollars each year.
Lost or stolen data costs companies billions of dollars every year, and consumers are potentially responsible for those billions.
Managers were traveling around the country putting out fires, which cost the company as much as $ 10,000 a month for airline tickets, hotels, and rental cars.
In 2013, content searches cost companies over $ 14,000 per worker and nearly 500 hours per worker.
These occurrences cost companies as much as $ 225 per record stolen and individuals a lifetime of headaches and financial troubles.
Rates from the top three lowest cost companies averaged $ 800, which came out to about 36 % cheaper than what the typical company charged for basic liability coverage in the state.
Is the Hiring and Recruiting process costing your Company Time and Money?
In addition to better protecting people, this approach will cost companies less money in the end.
This fantastic bit of product placement should only help matters — and it didn't cost the company a dime.
The moves are expected to cost the company hundreds of millions of dollars in the short term but lead to annualized savings of $ 25 million beginning next year.
Each of those settlements cost the company between $ 15,000 and $ 25,000.
While general liability is cheaper because it only covers damages you caused, it can cost a company too much money.
The sad fact is that something so simple — not requiring the customer to click a button — will probably cost that company dearly.
27 % of employers reported that just one bad hire cost the company at least $ 50,000.
Want to take a guess at how much travel expenses cost companies around the world each year?
Since turnover costs your company approximately 150 % of an employee's compensation package, it is important to implement a plan that welcomes new hires to your company effectively and efficiently.
The average hiring mistake costs a company $ 1.5 million or more a year and countless wasted hours.
This is important to understand because some credit card users actually cost companies money when they pay their bill off in full every month.
Lost or stolen data costs companies billions of dollars every year, and consumers are potentially responsible for those billions.
Which vested over 4 years, and with the options pricing cost the company far less then the value of the stock.
More than that, employee turnover can cost a company from thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
One way to make that clear is by calculating what the trade show costs the company on an hourly basis and then communicating that to employees.
Guaranteed Rate's online - only lending model costs the company less to operate, giving it room to cut back on borrower fees.
The product was pulled from the shelves, and the crisis cost the company close to half a billion dollars, with a damage to the brand that could last for years.
A simple email trick cost this company millions of dollars plus an ongoing lawsuit with the bank that initiated the wire transfers.
Add up all those hiring and training costs, and you can quickly see how bullying costs companies real money.
The excess line and others cost the company thousands each month to maintain.
A hiring mistake can cost companies by lowering staff morale, customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as bottom - line profits.
The time reps waste locating, updating and delivering sales content is typically regarded as a necessary evil, when in reality it could be costing your company opportunities and revenue.
There are plenty of benefits that will cost your company little or nothing but reap huge rewards in terms of employee satisfaction and loyalty.
Email overload costs companies billions each year, and a lot of it comes down to a lack of efficient communication in this medium.
But one significant impact, which can cost a company considerable time and money to repair, is in the area of public relations.
Even unpaid internships cost the company, as it takes time to hire, train and supervise them for an entire term, sometimes solely by a dedicated manager in - house.
Unlike dropped calls, archaic enterprise software is so damaging that it can cost companies countless hours of lost productivity, lose them valuable employees, and even cause their gradual decline.
Every penny increase in the price of fuel costs the company an extra $ 10 million.
Since employees who quit cost their companies up to 200 percent of their annual salaries to replace, retention is one of the most important issues facing businesses today.
The attempted project cost the company around 6 billion dollars but sometimes it is best to cut your losses and move on.
Going 55 mph instead of 50 mph costs a company 17 cents more per gallon of gas.
The company had revealed that the seizure of their vehicles and mining equipment cost the company over $ 40,000 daily.
It also results in the in the loss of the gains that would have been made by rolling it out sooner, effectively costing the company time and money.
Experience may be the best teacher, but it may cost the company loyal customers and revenue.
Since the employer is generally the only contributor, pensions will cost the company immense amounts of money each year.
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