Sentences with phrase «cost dwelling units»

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Architectural projects present utopian or science - fictional possibilities for dwellings; perhaps the most revolutionary is Contour Crafting, a process developed at the University of Southern California «that has the potential to build housing units in a single day, and at a quarter of the cost of existing manual methods» (ibid., 268).
(Sec. 285) Requires the Secretary of HUD to: (1) implement a demonstration program of at least 50,000 dwelling units during a four - year period to demonstrate the effectiveness of funding a portion of the costs of meeting the enhanced energy efficiency standards; and (2) report to Congress on the program and the potential to expand the program on a nationwide basis.
Labor costs may also be considered in claiming the ITC, the law explains: «Expenditures for labor costs properly allocable to the onsite preparation, assembly, or original installation of the property described in subsection (d) and for piping or wiring to interconnect such property to the dwelling unit shall be taken into account for purposes of this section.»
So, while the dwelling coverage in a landlord insurance policy may help with the repair bills if a tenant inadvertently damages the unit while moving furniture, the costs of cleanup if you discover a disgruntled tenant spray - painted the walls may not be covered.
The past few years have been good for many large apartment owners, despite high costs for construction and other barriers they often cite as issues to getting new units, such as lack of available land, environmental regulation and community opposition to new dwellings.
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