Sentences with phrase «cost of legal services»

The high cost of legal services meant poor people could not get the help they needed, even for critical issues like divorce, child custody, consumer fraud and housing matters.
Clients also expect their lawyers to create efficiencies that can lower costs of legal services.
As we are entering a period of extended softness in demand, corporate clients are going to be more resistant to the overall cost of legal services.
But the average cost of legal services is still far too high for the typical family budget.
In her 2014 paper commissioned by the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association, she examines «the empirical literature in the UK and Australia with a view to identifying any data that would speak to these five metrics:» reduced cost of legal services, increased number of represented litigants, greater availability of legal services in smaller city centers, fewer unmet legal needs, and better quality of work performed.
This award recognizes innovating programs and projects to increase affordable access to legal services for those of moderate income, who do not qualify for legal aid yet lack the discretionary funds to pay the traditional costs of legal services.
If «cost disease» is a material reason for the increasing cost of legal services and diminishing access to legal services, it follows that legal costs will continue to relatively increase unless productivity in the legal sector improves.
The Chief Justice of British Columbia, Lance S.G. Finch, addressed a meeting of the B.C. Branch of the Canadian Bar Association recently on the subject of access to justice, singling out the high cost of legal services as a prominent, if not new, obstacle to that goal.
* Client - facing KPI * Value Added for Client: Increase in client profits minus cost of legal services provided by your firm (why would a client come back if what you do doesn't ever help them do better??)
And it is a confession of an inability to deal with the problem, and an acceptance of the present cost of legal services as a fact that will not be changed, i.e., services by lawyers having a fiduciary duty to do all of the work arising from a client's problems, and do it affordably, are gone.
At the same time, we understand our clients» sensitivities to the rising cost of legal services and, as a result, ensures proper resource allocation.
If cost of legal services is a minor factor in access to justice and the number of available lawyers isn't a factor at all, what purpose does the LLLT program serve?
... I would call [the high cost of legal services] the elephant in the room.
I suppose this will primarily depend on the quality and cost of legal services delivered by the LFS.
I believe the greatest obstacle to such arrangements has been an asymmetry of information between the buyer and seller — the disparity between what firms know about the true cost of legal services they provide and what clients know.
Many factors can affect the total cost of legal services, including the complexity of the issues, necessary research, difficulty in dealing with the opposing side or trying to reach an agreement or settlement, the need to go to court and unexpected problems.
Increasing licensing fees increases student debt which, in turn, reduces diversity in the legal profession and restricts access to justice by increasing the downstream cost of legal services.
The relatively high cost of legal services frequently results in individuals exhausting their ability to pay for those services before their legal matters conclude.
The founding team at Rocket Lawyer recognized what the ABA calls the justice gap — the fact that as much as 85 % of the population is unable to afford the traditional cost of legal services.
«Driven by strong internal pressures to reduce the overall cost of legal services, clients over the past decade have been increasingly willing to embrace a broad range of strategies to enhance the value they receive for their «legal spend.»
When asked to guess the average cost of legal services, the consumers substantially overestimated lawyers» fees.
One effort features state lawmakers in an ad urging Cuomo to sign a bill that would require the state to reimburse counties for the cost of legal services for the poor.
Eight protesters were arrested after they blocked access to Gov. Andrew Cuomo's office while calling on the state to cover the cost of legal services for the poor.
When Cross Country Checkup did a show on the cost of legal services, every single caller focussed on litigation examples.
Susskind organized his keynote around two concepts he believes will lower the cost of legal services and increase access to justice: the commoditization of legal services and the development of disruptive technologies.
In his article, Lee looked at the cost of legal services for the «Big Guy» and the cost for the «Little Guy» i.e. the ordinary person.
Maximizing the re-use of previously created work - product can greatly reduce the cost of legal services.
More recently, Emery Lee [10] published a journal article in the University of Miami Law Review entitled «Law Without Lawyers: Access to Civil Justice and the Cost of Legal Services» [11]
[11] Emery G. Lee III, Law Without Lawyers: Access to Civil Justice and the Cost of Legal Services, 69 U. Miami L. Rev. 499 (2015)
The cost of legal services and the need for capable professionals puts law firms in a unique position in the world of marketing by discount.
(3) it accepts the view that the present high cost of legal services can not be changed, therefore the necessary solution has to avoid the use of lawyers; (how do those lawyers survive without those lost clients?)
This helps to keep the cost of legal services high and reduces the general public affordability of even basic or essential legal services.
Posts are related to the costs of legal services and the ethics of attempts to defray those costs via third - party litigation funding, outsourcing, the unbundling of legal services, et cetera.
This will make clients happy because it reduces the cost of your legal services.
Knowing the cost of our legal services has also allowed our firm to provide clients with new and improved products tailor - made to their respective companies.
I don't have a prescription for narrowing the gap or getting rich with new business models that lower the cost of legal services to serve those currently in the access - to - justice gap.
«National laws do not yet correspond to the realities of the modern world and existing legal cases have clogged the already overburdened judicial system, which has coincided with a steep rise in the cost of legal services and litigation.»
The first time I was asked to help improve efficiency and manage the value and cost of legal services with Legal Project Management (LPM) practices was in 2005.
She also found no evidence that ABSs, even if profitable, decreased the cost of legal services.

Phrases with «cost of legal services»

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