Sentences with phrase «cost of the tablet»

But then, that's a small price to pay for the low cost of the tablet.
Could you imagine a future where the real cost of the tablet is the hardware base station?
For some, it is because they're avid readers, but don't see the additional cost of a tablet being worth it to them.
Given the low cost of the tablet, though, we'd rather have this quality of camera available than not have one at all.
The constant improvement in technology coupled with a general lowering of cost of tablet devices is being held as the prime factors stimulating growth of the segment.
Despite the low resolutions of these latter two displays, they might yet sell well — it all depends on how low HP really wants to take the final cost of these tablets.
Also, if the high cost of the tablet isn't enough, buyers will have to shell out extra for the pen which should have been made free with the tablet.
If only the price has been a bit more pocket friendly; total cost of the tablet plus the keypad dock is around $ 600.
The approximate cost of this tablet is Rs 10,000 which is a 7» tablet that is powered by Android 2.2 OS.
As I understand it, the idea is to have users» purchases applied to the their tablet through a two - year amortized program that would cover any lost physical cost of the tablet as well as give Amazon some profit.
The curriculum is being piloted in Los Angeles in 2013 — 14 and has created some controversy because of the cost of the tablets and security of the software.
The cost of the tablets that will be used on new state tests will be about $ 200 less per device, although the computers won't include curriculum.
There is an increasing movement in schools from print to digital materials as the cost of tablets and mobile devices come down.
Cost of the tablet is expected to be $ 399 and is likely to be available sometime this month.
In a nod to keep the cost of the tablet so much cheaper than its competitors, it has less flash storage, and lacks a camera and microphone, features found in most rival tablets.
Considering the cost of this tablet, you can't expect too much.
To cover the cost of the tablet, T - Mobile will give you a prepaid MasterCard card.
The Indian Government is also willing to provide enough subsidies to make the cost of the tablet even more sweet and juicy, estimating a price drop to $ 20 and possibly as low as $ 10.
This is the cost of the tablet device produced by a company based in Bangalore, India, and the lowest we've found so far.
I could increase the cost of a tablet by another 100 bucks to get a keyboard or I could spend a hundred bucks less and get a laptop that is more capable...
There are also rumours that Nokia will offer a SIM card that will allow telecommunication networks to subsidize the cost of the tablet.
Buyers even get a $ 25 credit toward store purchases, partly defraying the cost of the tablet itself.
They also expect Amazon to subsidize the cost of the tablet, on the expectation that it will make the money back when owners buy things through the tablet.
Behind his comment is the reality that adding more functions can significantly increase the cost of a tablet.
And where O2 Refresh differs from some other networks» tablet and data combination packages is that you can upgrade the tablet at a later date by paying off the cost of the tablet alone, not the rest of the data plan contract.
Amazon has more options than any other tablet - maker that could be used to subsidize the cost of a tablet.
That can be super handy when you're traveling away from home, but it tacks $ 70 onto the cost of the tablet.
Buying the Xyboard with contract means committing to a minimum of $ 720 in data fees over 24 months on top of the cost of the tablet.
It's also another way for Amazon to subsidize the cost of its tablets, assuming it's getting a nice revenue share deal with Microsoft.
The cost of those tablets is likely to be much more than the vast majority of pet owners could afford (~ $ 20 - $ 40 / day).
Because the cost of tablets isn't all that prohibitive, and because mobile security will be a huge topic of discussion in 2013.
Including a capable 8MP camera is a nice - to - have feature, but it's not likely to be better than the phone in your pocket, and simply adds to the cost of the tablet — meanwhile the front - facing camera, which you're more likely to use, isn't very good at all.
However, Microsoft is currently offering a discount of $ 150, which brings down the cost of the tablet to $ 449.
The high resolution and use of an AMOLED display, which are typically found on high - end smartphones, will add to the cost of the tablets when they go on sale.
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