Sentences with phrase «cost them money in»

They know that every moment of lackluster productivity could cost them money in the long term.
Sure, there are always going to be the ones who are impossible to please; the few who aren't worth that extra effort and will end up costing you money in the long run.
The time involved in such transactions is an inconvenience in the best of circumstances — and can actually cost you money in the worst scenarios.
Do not let your rent cost you money in credit card interest.
Generally, anything our business does to grow will cost money in the short term (whether it's opening branches or conducting research and development (R&D) or launching products), but it does not mean that it is not the right financial decision.
In addition, take the proactive approach of identifying irrelevant keywords and adding these negative keywords to your account now, rather than scraping them off a search terms report later when they have already cost money in nonproductive clicks.
But with Johansen missing out on the end of the team's playoff run, will that cost him money in negotiations?
Dumping Fulmer to save money would alienate the fans and cost money in the long run.
«When we beat (Aston) Villa, I was told, «You don't really want to get into Europe — it costs you money in the early rounds».
I actually hope the UFC as an organization also files a lawsuit against Conor for fucking up their card and costing them money in potential gate and PPV losses.
The cons are that it requires registration and ultimately, it will cost money in order to be able to communicate with the potential matches.
There is nothing wrong for a service to be charged, for online dating sites cost money in terms of maintenance and regular up gradation of new technologies.
While Moodle is popular on the premise of being free and open source, it ends up costing you money in other ways.
K12's false claims may have cost it money in California, but it continues to make similar claims of success in advertising that is presently running in a number of states.
It also costs me money in lost business...
No other travel company is endorsed by or affiliated with SEMA and, in fact, many have created unscrupulous tactics that will cost you money in the long run.
Mediocre covers cost you money in sales, that's a fact.
Doing it on your own may save you money in the short run, but it will cost you money in the long run.
Spending time boosting my product offerings could cost me money in the short term, but I'm hoping it will allow me to make more money — and enjoy my work more — in the long run.
You pay commissions when you buy and sell stock options, and every trade costs you money in «Öslippage».
What's more, every trade costs you money in «slippage,» or the difference between the bid and the ask price.
This option costs money in fees and interest lost due to the accelerated payment.
Even newly constructed homes can have hidden defects which will cost you money in the long run - hiring a trained professional to inspect your home before purchase can save you money and headaches down the road.
But you need to remember that a low credit score costs you money in other ways.
Because North Carolina homeowners insurance quotes are statistically lower than those nationwide, it can be assumed that insurance providers deem the average local home to be less likely to cost them money in the future.
That's why it's so important to understand when a credit card signup bonus is worth it and when it may cost you money in the end.
Credit card debt, late bills, and other expenses left unpaid may weigh heavily on your mind, but also cost you money in ongoing interest and late fees.
While the wind won't steal anything from your home, it can cause a false alarm and cost you money in the long run.
Enrolling in a dividend reinvestment plan can backfire if you're not using it wisely, costing you money in the process.
And a lower credit score will hurt Lauren and cost her money in all sorts of ways.
These practices could ultimately cost you money in the long - run, so it's best to always read the fine print and do the math.
He makes the point that, because your home doesn't create any cash flow and yet costs you money in terms of expenses, thereofore your home is not an asset.
In addition, every trade costs you money in «slippage,» or the difference between the bid and the ask price.
But it might cost you money in the form of a lost deposit.
Using this type of mortgage will cost you money in the long run; this is why it is only a viable short - term fix.
While something like termite damage, flooding or mold would still likely cost you money in repairs with a mortgage, if you spend most of your cash on a house, you could end up with much less cash after paying for repairs.
You probably also realized that your low FICO ® score is costing you money in higher interest rates each month.
The trick is to make sure your card won't cost you money in the form of foreign transaction fees.
That's why it's so important to understand when a credit card signup bonus is worth it and when it may cost you money in the end.
Flying international using Delta SkyMiles still cost money in taxes / fees, just FYI
Sorry Australia, the white - haired lothario's second adventure still costs money in your «hood.
Gingrich has a mystical faith in «carrots» as opposed to «sticks» even though they both cost money in the end (taxpayers ultimately pay for these mystical «carrots»).
Car insurance companies naturally want to reward those who have not cost them money in claims since they are in the business to make a profit.
And the damage to your credit will cost you money in other areas of your financial life as well.
Every point will not only cost you money in fines but it will result in increased insurance rates.
In addition to costing money in car repairs, serious accidents can lead to additional expenses because of medical bills and lost wages.
If they have breaks to give tell them to give them to you because you're a loyal customer or because you haven't cost them any money in years.
Still, even meritless lawsuits cost us money in attorney fees, and force our engineers to spend time with lawyers rather than improving our product.
Remember, it will cost YOU money in attorney's fees to try to enforce your divorce decree.
But that perk can cost you some money in the long run, if you're not careful.
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