Sentences with phrase «costly decision»

Employers and individuals often make ill - informed and costly decisions based on a mistaken understanding of how the law impacts their specific circumstances.
Make a new financial plan that will protect you from facing this kind of difficult and costly decision again in the future.
Their success with dedicated servers for PC (generally the guinea pig for possibly costly decisions) opened the door to the same upgrades being made to the console versions of the game.
This is a crucial and costly decision made by my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to support a political ally,» Legislator Edward A. Rath, R - Amherst, said.
Rather, Bonhoeffer confronts us as someone who, in following Christ, made a personally costly decision that doing nothing to rid the world of Hitler was worse than doing what he did, however ambiguous the moral issues.
Supervisor Howard Phillips cites the fact that this year the town is caught between more mandated costs from the state and county, and a potentially costly decision from a binding arbitration decision with the Police PBA.
These are the real questions to ask because ugly credit, even fair credit can cost thousands of dollars in additional interest or higher insurance premiums preventing you from making the purchases you want or maybe worse, now knowing that waiting almost always is a very costly decision.
If you blink on this and rationalize their behavior to protect their production, you have abdicated your responsibilities of causing a peak performance culture, and it will be one of the most costly decisions you make.
NB Power is soon expected to announce another in a series of rate increases in a bid to break even, but the province remains saddled with the utility's debt and with costly decisions about the future of its generators.
As an added benefit, trailing stops help you maintain a calm, reasoned perspective at times when everybody else is seemingly losing their minds (and making tremendously costly decisions that are not in their best interest).
Buffett certainly wouldn't throw up his hands and give some lame excuse for making a bad financial decision, because he gets just how costly that decision really is.
However, even if money has been set aside for emergencies, there's no telling what amount will be bargained with, as costly decisions will and need to be made, impacting a person's immediate future.
While the title remained consistent, the challenges varied a great deal; to dramatize that fact, Pearl drew out the details of each project and described how Barrick avoided costly decisions and made smart ones that ended in real business savings.
It is great advice Maria and jumping into costly decisions that will be around a long time IS a big mistake!
Bonhoeffer confronts us as someone who, in following Christ, made a personally costly decision that doing nothing to rid the world of Hitler was worse than doing what he did, however ambiguous the moral issues.
While the context was of a potentially costly decision on his part to proceed without a permit being in place, it was a judgment made by an employee with his superior knowing it was a judgment.
In the end, trying to save money by foregoing the annual exam, could prove to be a very costly decision.
And now you have to make a much harder and costlier decision.
In 2005, White made a costly decision.
It is a costly decision by the standards of a society oriented to wealth.
In Faulkner's story «Barn Burning» the boy Sarty Snopes makes a difficult and costly decision to oppose the unjust acts of his father.
That costly decision alienated still more of Trinity's longtime members and aroused the anger of many outsiders.
Yes, Wenger needs to shoulder some of the responsibility, but really its our players on the pitch who are out there making costly decisions and playing the game, surely they also need to take responsibility?
It was an easy but costly decision: my $ 6.50 toll quickly turned into a...
This lack of transparency over such a crucial and costly decision is not acceptable.
LESSON # 3: THE COSTLY DECISIONS MADE IN FEAR — One principle confronted in Ghost Stories is that of existential terror within the terror management theory.
Starting with a basic Learning Management System and building features on top of it may prove to be a costly decision, especially if you have a large of features to add.
These costly decisions can be worth thousands of dollars.
The extra year of development was a costly decision for Sony Computer Entertainment Europe executives.
Quite frankly, without her we would often make wrong and costly decisions
Although it may seem responsible at the time, it could end up being a costly decision down the road.
In Florida, choosing the right health insurance plan can be a difficult and costly decision.
But it also may end up being a costly decision.
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