Sentences with phrase «costly impact»

Human - caused climate change is a fact — sorry, fake news enthusiasts — and it is causing increasingly costly impacts on everything from human health to ecosystem health.
This pollution directly contributes to sea level rise, more frequent and intense heat waves, and other costly impacts.
«Clean energy businesses commend the president for reaffirming his commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to address the damaging and costly impacts of climate change,» Lisa Jacobson, president of Business Council for Sustainable Energy, said in a statement.
It also shows that although floods and storm surges pose major threats, droughts are «misery in slow motion,» with costlier impacts that run deeper and longer than previously believed.
If we pay attention to what scientists and frontline communities are telling us, instead of fossil fuel industry deceptions, the message is clear: Humans are causing the rapid onset of climate change, which is already bringing costly impacts across the world.
Larry Dale, an energy researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, has studied the impacts of warming on California's electrical grid and agreed that the most costly impact on electrical systems would be because of peak demand.
The Onondaga County Legislature plans to undo a recent piece of legislation after the Syracuse mayor shined a light on its costly impact on city property owners.
SYRACUSE, N.Y. — The Onondaga County Legislature plans to undo a recent piece of legislation after the Syracuse mayor shined a light on its costly impact on city property owners.
Missing school has a costly impact on funding for schools.
Missing too much school during preschool, kindergarten, and first grade has long - term and costly impacts that lead to widening achievement gaps in later years, according to a study by Attendance Works, a national initiative that promotes awareness about the importance of school attendance.
We know that climate change poses a threat to our way of life --- in fact we're already seeing some of the profound and costly impacts.
Climate change poses a threat to our way of life — in fact, we're already beginning to see its profound and costly impact.
Those objecting to my analogy should fall into camps A and B. Camp A estimates the probability of civilization encountering a costly impact of rising CO2 this century to be significantly lower than that estimated by the truck driver of encountering a vehicle while rounding that bend.
Even as Hurricane Harvey continues to devastate Texas and Louisiana, experts and policymakers are drawing lessons to better prepare for the costly impacts of a changing climate.
These can include higher universal healthcare costs as people deal with the physical and mental health impacts of unresolved legal issues, increased reliance on social assistance, the price of incarceration, decreased workforce participation, and higher rates of homelessness, addiction and other socially - costly impacts.
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