Sentences with phrase «costly medical cases»

Many of the cases that we take in are costly medical cases.

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The new offering, «Watson for Patient Safety,» will gobble up anonymized medical records, claims data, and millions of electronic submissions to the FDA about potential drug side effects (known as individual case safety reports) to see if it can learn about the hidden dangers of medicines before they become too costly.
The emergency appendectomy — that wicked, temporarily debilitating, and costly medical procedure performed on 320,000 Americans each year — it turns out, in most cases, is completely unnecessary said David Agus, Director of the University of Southern California's Center for Applied Molecular Medicine speaking at Fortune's Brainstorm Health conference in San Diego on Tuesday.
Although in many cases this is a useful approach, this philosophy has also resulted in a multibillion - dollar «disease industry», where costly medical intervention is preferred to preventing the problem in the first place.
Visits to the veterinarian, medications, round - the - clock staff time, and surgeries can become increasingly costly very quickly.The Healing Paws Medical Fund was created for such cases.
In many cases, wellness visits provide our experienced veterinarians with the opportunity to identify a potential medical concern and address it immediately, before it can develop into a more serious and costly problem.
Champ was kept as evidence while the intrusion case was pending, and was scheduled to be euthanized because his owners declined to get him the costly medical care he needed.
They are going to be able to collect for past and future medical bills, reasonable, necessary, and costly related medical bills, past and future wage loss, past and future pain and suffering, as well as impairment of the ability to work or earn money in the future if a person is previously employed, and in certain cases, punitive damages.
Given that medical malpractice lawsuits is extremely costly and really drawn - out the attorneys in our company are extremely cautious exactly what medical malpractice cases where we decide to get included.
Given that medical malpractice lawsuits is so costly to pursue the injuries need to be substantial to require progressing with the case.
Personal injuries can also consist of financial damage, as in the case of fraudulent misrepresentation, property damage, or an assault that resulted in costly medical bills and lost wages due to time off work.
Medical malpractice cases are costly and complicated and this undoubtedly is a reason why a significant number of claims do not result in payment to a plaintiff.
That can be a costly mistake because, best case scenario, you need an Orlando personal injury lawyer guiding you through the process of dealing with medical providers, employers, and insurance companies.
Such a system would be similar to the workers» compensation system, which is extremely costly and the costs have not been relieved by the recent reductions in benefits.11 o o Duke Law professor Neil Vidmar recently testified that no matter the size of the claim, «medical malpractice cases involve complex issues that can only be sorted out after considerable investigation and discovery.
It can work with your health insurance to make sure that you are covered in case of costly medical bills that are the cause of an accident, regardless of who is at fault.
Bajaj Allianz's Silver Health Plan for Senior Citizens shields you and your spouse in case you require costly medical care.
In many cases, those who are applying for a no medical exam life insurance policy may have health conditions that deem them as being more of a risk to the insurance company — and because of that, these types of policies will often be costlier in terms of premium than a medically underwritten policy, with all other factors being equal.
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