Sentences with phrase «cotinine levels»

"Cotinine levels" refer to the amount of a substance called cotinine in the body, which is produced when the body breaks down nicotine. It is commonly used as a measure of nicotine exposure or tobacco use. Full definition
The percentage (95 % CL) of non-smokers with serum cotinine levels?
Additionally, adolescents with increased cotinine levels, suggesting greater exposure, were more prone to have unilateral - low - frequency or one - sided hearing loss.
Further analysis among non-smokers who reported no exposure to second - hand smoke and had cotinine levels below race - specific cutoffs found that the association between exposure and mortality remained similar to observations in subjects who reported exposure.
The percent of children with non-detectable cotinine levels were highest among households where neither parent smoked (84 percent), decreased in households where one parent smoked (62 percent) and were lowest among households where both parents smoked (43 percent).
In 2014, researchers measured participant's childhood blood cotinine levels from samples collected and frozen in 1980.
Air nicotine and urine cotinine levels stayed similar in all children, despite use of air cleaners in the household.
«The elevated cotinine levels found in this study, however, prove that nicotine is being absorbed when you smoke pipes or cigars.»
Previous research has also found that children with cotinine levels showing even very low levels of tobacco smoke exposure have reduced antioxidant levels and delayed cognitive abilities.
Most life insurance medical exams administer a test to assess and confirm cotinine levels in the body.
Increased cotinine levels were associated with lung cancer, all cancers and heart disease, though the study did not prove a cause - and - effect link.
«Using cotinine level to measure exposure to second - hand smoke has important public health implications, because increasing the scope of smoke - free environments would likely decrease cotinine levels in the general population and ultimately death,» said Emanuela Taioli, MD, PhD, Director of the Institute for Translation Epidemiology at Mount Sinai.
Since in this study the animals were continuously exposed to nicotine vapor over 90 min and the T1 / 2 of cotinine in C57BL / 6 mice is 37.5 min, the cotinine level (267ng / mL) measured after the termination of nicotine did not reach steady - state (CotSS).
Cotinine levels were also lower among cigar and pipe smokers than among cigarette smokers.
She said, «Using cotinine level to measure exposure to secondhand smoke has important public health implications, because increasing the scope of smoke - free environments would likely decrease cotinine levels in the general population, and ultimately death.»
The study adjusted for poverty, race / ethnicity, sex, asthma, hay fever, and maternal smoking; serum cotinine level was positively associated with CD, especially for non-Hispanic white males.
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