Sentences with word «coud»

How anyone coud think that such an insignificant thing could influence climate is mind boggling.
Still a good score, but i can see how someones enthusiasm for the game coud wane if you were trying to bomb through it for a review.
Bring the thumbs down but who knows my wish team coud arguably win us trophies contrary to the actual one.
By charging a monthly fee to remove ads, Facebook coud decouple its business from time spent, allowing it to keep revenue stable even while making changes that enhance well - being while decreasing how long we spend on its apps.
Coud computing has engulfed lots of IT, but one of the untapped regions of the tech and business world is the industry cloud, focusing on vertical industries and more specialized applications.
You mentioned that slaves coud be returned.
There is a chance that Giroud coud start again after his heroics against Palace but I think he will be on the bench until Alexis starts to look tired.
funny how the same team who coudn't manage our boy gnarby are considering another Loan option in debuchy.......
«This particular superintendent was saying that he had a video camera proposal in and he just coudn't get it approved,» DeFrancisco said.
I originally envisaged fusion as a «portal» - an exciting buzz - word at the time which is basicly a glorified term for a do - everything website where Christians coud not only find other singles for arranging dates, but a virtual meeting place where Christians could find world news, life advice, articles, Christian organisations to support, and a host of other services.
«After a routine raid, rookie air pirate Coud Van Giruet discovers a most unusual bounty: Ren, an «Edyll Raid,» is a living weapon that reacts with a human to become a fighting machine.
Though Asus still lags somewhat behind the market leaders, its influence on the market is clearly on the rise and coud move it further up the tablet list, analysts say.
The Media coud n`t care less unless the dog can be described as a «pit bull»
If you're feeling tired, stressed, would like to learn how to improve your health and wellbeing, or would just like to meet new like minded friends then Serene Wellbeing Retreats coud well be the place for you.
Using the API coudn't be simpler.
If Our Soup Can Coud Speak: Mikhail Lifshitz and the Soviet Sixties exhibition at Garage Museum of Contemporary Art.
We are seeking someone to design a solar array that coud power 12 Tiny homes.
With the phone inside a clear case, we get a pretty good view of what the S8 coud look like.Credit: SlashLeaks
(Fred): «When a man is not loved, it is no use for him to say that he could be a better fellow — coud do anything — I mean, if he were sure of being loved in return.»
Human nature being what it is some people are very petty and coud deliberately set out to give someone a bad name with no basis in fact.
Honestly didn't think that would happen — could see Chelski, but coudn't see us selling to Liverpool — I think when Wenger started going on about having to sell players, after we seemed for once to be strong and spending, Kroenke gave him a call warning him to stop the spending.
Some see Foursquare's location data as valuable to advertisers and local retailers, but it coud also be just as lucrative to credit card companies, who collect transaction fees on each and every purchase that's made.
Now, she's stepped into a Director of Operations role, and we coudn't be more excited about it.
You can't «believe in» God because you don't know for sure whether God exist (by most religious people's own admission, I think, though I coud be wrong, but either way its a fact that the existence of God has not been proven).
You coudn't possibly be strong in logic yourself.
They coudn't understand why Christians would eat of the body of Christ and drink of His blood.
Whether ot not Obama believed in Islam as a child or was simply doing what his his stepdad told him, I coudn't say.
(You coud skip this step all together if you are using leftover baked potatoes - just cut up and warm through in oil) Add onion and mushrooms, stir to combine.
Wow congragulations I can believe that he coudn't believe it too.
My only problem — I coudn't pin it to Pinterest!
(and that coudn't be anymore true for falafel)
What would you suggest using instead of hemp seeds my husband and I are both in the military and it coud cause us not to pass a drug test which is the same reason we currently avoid Poppey seeds.
I assumed I had the worlds greatest eater, I coudn't mash up my greens and lentils fast enough, and then he learned he could say no.
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