Sentences with phrase «coughing fit»

There will be times in which your baby will have coughing fits during feedings.
However, as I have a rotten cold involving spontaneous coughing fits resulting in tears streaming down my face (nice look) I decided to stay put for the time being.
I also had a pretty bad coughing fit when I got home.
It is also very contagious and causes coughing fits.
After receiving the paper, May fell into a series of coughing fits that dogged her for the rest of her speech.
As with chronic bronchitis, it can result in coughing fits which end in gagging.
Many owners become terrified when hearing a dog with kennel cough for the first time, as the cough can have almost a ««honking»» quality to it, and the dog may frequently be interrupted from resting or eating for a severe coughing fit.
Parents should see their pediatrician if they think that their child might be developing pertussis symptoms or seek more immediate medical attention if your younger child has severe symptoms, such as apnea or prolonged coughing fits.
For the past 3 mornings he has vomited up phlegm after a lovely coughing fit.
A cool mist humidifier was a lifesaver for our middle - of - the - night coughing fits.
Symptoms of the disease include coughing fits followed by vomiting, exhaustion, apnea, or temporary stops in breathing and fever.
Chills, sweats, sore throat, horrible coughing fits, mucous coming up in the throat... I am assuming these a all detox symptoms but I feel so horrible, I can't even function.
However, as I have a rotten cold involving spontaneous coughing fits resulting in tears streaming down my face (nice look) I decided to stay put for the -LSB-...]
The schizophrenic mix is complemented by the filmmaker's expressively croaky voice, and at one point by a bizarre coughing fit.
His performances in Anchorman, as the verbose, showboating newsman Ron Burgundy, and Step Brothers, as perma - man - child Brendan Huff, send me into a goofy rage of hacking cough fits to this day.
The gagging and coughing fits worsen with exercise and often are accompanied by upchucking of a pale, frothy liquid.
Regardless, though, Stick of Truth is a damn funny game, frequently rendering me to laughter - induced coughing fits.
Bobby Kotick, CEO of Activision Blizzard, shared these words in between coughing fits where dollar bills came flying out of his mouth:
After the last photo, I had coughing fits for several minutes and almost puked.
Smoke and cold temperatures will irritate his lungs and could trigger a severe coughing fit that will be difficult to recover from.
Then I had a coughing fit because I have a cold and hysterical laughter will do that to you.
I was trying so hard to suppress laughter that I kept having to pretend to have coughing fits....
Unfortunately, by the time kids get to the point that they are having coughing fits, they are usually far into their whooping cough infection.
Does your baby have coughing fits?
If your child is having coughing fits and coughs repeatedly in one breath, even encounters trouble in breathing, then, she might have had a cold for more than one week.
While these symptoms can be part and parcel of a coughing fit, their appearance when your child's resting may mean that he has serious, potentially life - threatening swelling in his throat.
Infants with whooping cough or pertussis can have coughing fits that can make it difficult for them to breath.
While these symptoms can be part and parcel of a coughing fit, their appearance when your toddler's resting may mean that he has serious, potentially life - threatening swelling in his throat.
We wake each other up from our coughing fits, and between his inconsolable crying (did I mention he's teething?)
4th October 2017, CBC news — Canada: A prankster, a coughing fit and a restless party undermine May's «last chance» speech and give Boris a boost
When Theresa May was hit by a coughing fit during her disastrous Conservative conference speech...
When Theresa May was hit by a coughing fit during her disastrous Conservative conference speech this year, Philip Hammond tried his best to help by offering a cough sweet.
My severe bloating paired with my inability to properly digest food caused such intense acid reflux that I was unable to take deep inhales without experiencing a coughing fit.
I regularly doubled over in a coughing fit just walking down the street.
If I talked too long or too loud, I would be struck by a coughing fit that I couldn't recover from.
I don't get sick much, but when I sat in my hair stylist's chair, she proceeded to hack up 25 lungs in a coughing fit that left me reeling.
This holiday season so far has not been an easy one for me as the dreaded bronchitis has entered our house much too early and I have been sick since our trip to Carowinds in October and still can't say a full sentence without having a coughing fit.
October 4, 2017 • Many things went wrong during the prime minister's speech in Manchester on Wednesday: She had coughing fits, a prankster handed her a pink slip and a party slogan behind her fell apart.
During the wedding ceremony, the priest has a coughing fit before he can say the words «husband and wife,» and Minnie Driver, who gives a deliciously bitter performance as Naomi, Nat's sister, murmurs to her husband, «I give it a year.»
When a scene gets interrupted by a coughing fit, again, irritated viewers might storm out — and you sense Hosking doesn't mind a bit.
When boyfriend number two demands to know how a strange cigar took residence in the ashtray, Guinevere gamely plucks it up, lighting the stogie and taking a drag, holding down a coughing fit with her stiff upper lip.
Coughing fits can last for several minutes, but there may be long periods of relief.
During coughing fits, your dog may hack up a yellowish phlegm or white froth.
This treatment will be a combination of drugs and preventative measures for these coughing fits.
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