Sentences with phrase «councils get a grip»

He says it's essential that councils get a grip on pay to ensure a fair deal for the taxpayers in their counties and in their districts.

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No wonder 80 per cent of councils are not getting to grips with the big society agenda.
Many feel that Derbyshire County Council will be the toughest nut to crack in local government for us on 4th June, but one needs to remember that Labour have not faced us when there has not been a General Election on the same day since 1993... and that was not a good year for Conservatives anyway!Accordingly, we have worked hard to establish a Shadow Cabinet, engage in active but constructive opposition and really get to grips with the workings of the County Council so that we can put our vision for the future in place quickly; to employ a cliché: «to hit the ground running».
As a newbie there are two main elements to get to grips with: being a ward councillor and being the sole opposition councillor in relation to the council and formal council business.
Leaflets were sent in East Sussex County Council's Get a Grip drive to parents whose children missed at least three days of the current school year.
«The Bar Council's new document should help barristers get to grips with these duties to the court.
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