Sentences with phrase «counter arguments against»

There are literally thousands of counter arguments against empty points.
Generally speaking the counter arguments against each individual car stand to reason.
This is an especially effective counter against the abstract «let the police protect you» counter argument against gun rights.
The model also counters another argument against oceans: that the proposed shorelines are very irregular, varying in height by as much as a kilometer, when they should be level, like shorelines on Earth.
Is there a counter argument against having a life insurance with coverage for death and dismemberment?

Not exact matches

Although not in itself an argument against the opponent to abortion, nor an argument in favor of infanticide, the following consideration by Hartshorne indicates the counter intuitiveness of the theory of strict identity:
Churches and pastors who participate in miracles and prophecies don't like to be told that they are being controlled by the devil, and so they often counter with the argument that anyone who says that something is of the devil when it is actually from God is committing a blasphemous sin against the Holy Spirit and will never be forgiven of such a sin.
Naturally, I do not think that we have a Faithful or a Atheist who has not heard every argument against their view or belief and does not have a counter argument.
Against the plausible argument that the physical phenomena described in the narratives require a location in volcanic regions, it is countered that the same phenomena may be given a natural explanation as manifestations of violent storms.
It can be argued that the crowds were so good because we were winning regularly, but that argument is easily countered by our current home form, six wins on the bounce the best run since the early days of SImon Grayson's time at the helm, and against a higher standard of opposition.
This cautioned wisdom runs counter to the popular notion that the media ought to operate on an honours system of self - regulation, the proponents of which tend to hide behind arguments against the «risks» posed by censorship.
At the last sitting (June 14), there were arguments and counter arguments between Jibrin's counsel, Y. C. Maikyau, SAN and counsel to the EFCC, Faruk Abdallah, on whether the documents tendered by the latter against the defendant is admissible or not.
People argue against it by saying, «Hey, you know the carbon footprint of flying food thousands of miles is ridiculous so we should grow [things] locally» but the counter argument is, but if you can grow so much wheat sufficiently in Kansas even including the transportation for thousands of miles it's still more efficient in terms of resources.
If we are using that as counter evidence against a plant based diet, then the evidence to support those arguments is dismal.
Yes on 2, despite outspending the «no» camp 2 - 1 couldn't find a message that worked, and was never able to counter the single argument that most resonated with voters against charter schools: they take money away from public schools and the kids who attend them.
I see the same fatuous counter arguments placed against the existence of indie publishing again and again.
Later entries in this series will identify questions that should be asked to counter arguments made against national climate change policies on the basis of scientific uncertainty and unfairness or ineffectiveness if China or another large ghg emitter nation do not act.
Again and again proponents of action on climate change have responded to economic arguments against taking action to reduce the threat of climate change by making counter economic arguments such as climate change policies will produce new jobs or reduce adverse economic impacts that will follow from the failure to reduce the threat of climate change.
Arguments against this means of countering greenhouse gases are: 1.
When the Husband raised the argument against debtor prison, the Court countered by stating that the facts established «not mere default in payment of an order for payment of money, but a defiance of the court by manipulating, concealing and removing assets from the jurisdiction so as to make execution impossible.»
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