Sentences with phrase «counter my argument about»

For the record, some countries (like the former Soviet Union) did perform abortions very frequently because there weren't other effective forms of birth control.Some conservatives that I speak with counter my argument about birth control by suggesting that everyone needs to be responsible for the cost, education and hassle of this themselves.
«The left must avoid the trap of countering an argument about less state by making a case for more state,» he writes.
Am I right that in your opinion the fact that every judge of the Superior Court of Justice is also a judge of the Small Claims Court effectively counters arguments about the Small Claims Court being a court presided over by judges appointed by the provincial government, and thus potentially affected by this lawsuit?
• Conflicting cases: helping practitioners to quickly identify the key cases relating to their argument and also highlighting conflicting cases, thereby helping practitioners to source quotes from cases when producing skeleton arguments and counter arguments About the Authors

Not exact matches

Whatever the arguments about fiscal policy's effectiveness in countering deep and lasting recessions, of a kind the world faced in 2008, it was never envisaged that it should be wheeled out the minute economic growth fell below two per cent.
Jeremy i am surprised you never countered my argument Up till now the above view has been my understanding however things change when the holy spirit speaks.He amazes me because its always new never old and it reveals why we often misunderstand scripture in the case of the woman caught in adultery.We see how she was condemned to die and by the grace of God Jesus came to her rescue that seems familar to all of us then when they were alone he said to her Go and sin no more.This is the point we misunderstand prior to there meeting it was all about her death when she encountered Jesus something incredible happened he turned a death situation into life situation so from our background as sinners we still in our thinking and understanding dwell in the darkness our minds are closed to the truth.In effect what Jesus was saying to her and us is chose life and do nt look back that is what he meant and that is the walk we need to live for him.That to me was a revelation it was always there but hidden.Does it change that we need discipline in the church that we need rules and guidelines for our actions no we still need those things.But does it change how we view non believers and even ourselves definitely its not about sin but its all about choosing life and living.He also revealed some other interesting things on salvation so i might mention those on the once saved always saved discussion.Jeremy just want to say i really appreciate your website because i have not really discussed issues like this and it really is making me press in to the Lord for answers to some of those really difficult questions.regards brentnz
but thats not what i'm talking about... i am discussing the god you claim to worship... even if you believe jesus was god on earth it doesn't matter for if you take what he had to say as law then you should take with equal fervor words and commands given from god itself... it stands as logical to do this and i am confused since most only do what jesus said... the dude was only here for 30 years and god has been here for the whole time — he has added, taken away, and revised everything he has set previous to jesus and after his death... thru the prophets — i base my argument on the book itself, so if you have a counter argument i believe you haven't a full understanding of the book — and that would be my overall point... belief without full understanding of or consideration to real life or consequences for the hereafter is equal to a childs belief in santa which is why we atheists feel it is an equal comparision... and santa is clearly a bs story... based on real events from a real historical person but not a magical being by any means!
It is an obvious and extreme example of just what I am talking about; an ignorant straw man and false premise on which you base your counter argument.
As for faceless I'm t about those who thumb down without a counter opinion or argument.
I won't go into the fact that no - one knew who he was before he joined us, and all the tired old arguments about what he has done for us, are countered in my book by what we have done for him and his bulging pockets.
Have the people fill in numbers, and you get arguments between the counters about if that strange scribble is a 1, 2 or 7.
Branas and his co-authors worried about that possibility enough to add a study within a study, aiming to counter the argument that any improvements they measured were the result of gentrification.
i would much rather discuss and learn about cloud models, ocean circulation, ice sheet stability than repeatedly counter ignorant arguments by innumerate dunces.
Patrick McCarthy, former WWD editorial director said in 2003, «She can look at two or more sides of any issue from any particular angle, in a discussion with Bridget about anything she will always bring up the counter argument before you get to it.»
CPS and MEJA helped organize about a dozen panels ready to counter arguments.
On, Laura Brady mused about the slow adoption of EPUB3, and countered several common arguments.
But Claymore was very vocal about why cap - weighted indexes are flawed, and iShares would counter with arguments saying that other strategies were questionable.
I'm guessing you're still quite young, since you think you're achieving something for yourself here, but you're only being childishly nonsensical, you keep repeating the same crap, no counter arguments, no explanations, only long, pointless text about you trying hard to prove I'm a blind fanboy by... repeating that I'm a blind fanboy.
you keep repeating the same crap, no counter arguments, no explanations, only long, pointless text about you trying hard to prove I'm a blind fanboy by...
Well - if your measure is that we're not making any games about it, and therefore maybe it's not something people today care about - I would counter that since we're not making games about much at all, then your argument extends to complete cultural bankruptcy - since we don't make games about anything we must not care about anything.
In other words, this article is not about the science, but about the reporting of the science by Monbiot of the Guardian, and Connor of the Independent, who will cite any ad hoc comment by a scientist which counters a sceptical argument, as if the simple fact that it is uttered by a scientist demolished the sceptical argument.
In an essay «Why the Global Warming Skeptics are Wrong» in the New York Review of Books of Feb. 22, 2012, Yale professor William D. Nordhaus attempts to counter the arguments of a group of 16 prominent scientists who published an essay, «No Need to Panic about Global Warming,» in the Wall Street Journal on Jan. 27, 2012.
While fighting a war of arguments how climate works, or may change, and what counter measures should be taken at many Billions costs, the global politics, and scientific community feel comfortable to talk about CLIMATE.
Apparently you are not familiar with the skeptical counter arguments and I am not about to try to teach you now.
I thought explaining how they have taken out the real heat from the Sun because they had to use its measurements for their «backradiation from greenhouse gases» would be the easiest to explain..., the arguments about the second law are interminable because few understand that physics well enough to counter the AGW tweaking of it by several sleights of hand.
The focus of the event was to inform would - be red team participants of how the debate could work in the federal government and to synthesize ideas about countering mainstream scientific arguments.
«Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming» is a virtual handbook of well - documented arguments and cogent perspective that counter nearly every assertion given to «prove» that human beings are responsible for climate disaster.»
I know you will counter with your argument about subsidies for Nuclear and fossil fuels, and I don't entirely disagree.
I'm just trying to explain the word use is different, and as a result the arguments and counter arguments aren't really meshing because people are sometimes arguing about different things.
How about the «database as real evidence» argument (so not documentary evidence, so not hearsay — so don't even need the business records exception... it's all just mechanically recorded, like the counter in a turnstile as evidence of the number of people who entered an auditorium)?
You will need to meet your spouse's claim with strong arguments about the value, liquidity, and origins of your assets as well as countering their proposed needs and entitlements.
Common counter arguments to this are that «filtering» does not involve mass surveillance, because only the specifically sought infringing activity is identified, while little or no information about other activity is collected.
But the minute you open the door and drop your keys on the counter, you find yourself knee - deep in an argument about how he or she bought the wrong type of pepper.
As a direct logical counter argument — I did see a part - time doctor about an issue in regards to surgery.
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