Sentences with phrase «counteract negative»

When you catch yourself saying or thinking something negative about yourself, counteract the negative self - talk with a positive affirmation.
Laurie understands that the world can impact individuals in sometimes very negative ways, but she also understands how to create positive strategies for you to counteract those negative forces.
A variety of materials are available on the TRUCE website ( that will help parents and teachers counteract the negative impact of media and marketing on children and promote positive play activities.
People try all kinds of things to counteract their negative emotions, often leading to addictions and compulsions.
Home visitation programs can counteract the negative consequences of economic insecurity and encourage success not only at home but also in school and at work.
First, it may counteract negative biases by having participants deliberately attend to compassionate feelings towards themselves.
To counteract the negative effects of the double locked - in phenomenon it is important to facilitate employees» mobility in different ways.
Thank - you notes also give you an opportunity to counteract any negative aspects of the interview.
The benefit of taking a course is to earn safe driving points to counteract any negative demerit points you may have received.
Most firms act quickly to counteract negative survey results, but unfortunately, the measures they take often fail to address the underlying problems revealed by the survey.
It provides a set of principles for the law as it affects persons with disabilities in order to counteract negative stereotypes and assumptions and reaffirm the status of persons with disabilities as equal members of society and bearers of both rights and responsibilities: Law Commission of Ontario, Framework for the Law as It Affects Persons with Disabilities, online
Thinking of trying to get consumers to sign agreements not to comment or writing your own positive reviews to counteract the negative?
When you are working to repair your credit, you need to counteract the negative impact of poor credit with more positive information.
See what you can do to counteract any negative impact on your credit.
It helps us to prioritize initiatives, counteract negative influences, and get rid of practices — such as retaining students
It helps us to prioritize initiatives, counteract negative influences, and get rid of practices — such as retaining students — that show little evidence... Continue reading Supercharge Your Classroom in 5 Steps
Research also demonstrates that diverse schools are better equipped than high - poverty schools to counteract the negative effects of poverty.»
Based on the National School Board Association (NSBA) publication, Telling Your Story, A Communications Guide for School Boards, this session will explore ways to counteract the negative messages that are prevalent in the media and communities today.
It helps us to prioritize initiatives, counteract negative influences, and get rid of practices — such as retaining students — that show little evidence of improving learning outcomes.
However, substitute teachers who step into the classroom need to counteract the negative effect of teachers being absent.
Teaching students mindfulness can help them counteract the negative emotions and low self - esteem associated with a culture of standardized testing.
This can help counteract the negative effects of the alcohol and is a fun way to incorporate it into your day.
I started to understand it, and know what steps to take to counteract the negative effects of PCOS.
Yoga poses are designed to counteract the negative effects of your DNA, postural habits, footwear and physical activities to improve recovery, sports & pose performance and more.
Mind / body practices like meditation and deep breathing are also regarded as biohacking techniques, mostly due to their ability to counteract the negative effects of stress.
Healthy fats like omega - 3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties that can help to counteract the negative impacts of these stress hormones.
So they suggest that maybe the yeast fiber is able to counteract the negative effects of stress on the immune system.
While we're not going to judge you (it's not our style), we are prepared to help cut them out of your life, and, at the very least, counteract their negative effects on your skin.
Unlike sodium, potassium is a vasodilator, and helps to counteract the negative effects of sodium on blood pressure.
Let Food Be Your Medicine: Consuming lots of healthy fats, antioxidant rich foods and healthy protein sources will also help your body counteract the negative effects of stress.
Sitting can be worse than eating donuts and on this podcast Chad and Brenda offer a sitting solution - a way to counteract the negative effects of sitting.
Do the medium - chain triglycerides in coconut oil, and the fiber in flaked coconut, counteract the negative effects on cholesterol and artery function?
Many relaxation techniques and coping strategies are available to counteract the negative impact of stress.
It's a psychological «trick» that has been used by those in the know to boost chances of success and to counteract the negative chatter that so often infiltrates our thoughts.
Yoga can counteract the negative impact of stress, and even just a few minutes of restorative yoga can be extremely helpful.
To be successful you need to have a strong mind that can counteract the negative barrage your mind will undoubtedly deliver as you start to form new «good» habits.
I hope that in time, there is more research conducted on hormone replacement therapy to counteract the negative effects of low testosterone in women — especially as they get older.
Keep on reading to learn six relaxing yoga poses that will help counteract the negative effects of stress and inactivity and enable you to enjoy 8 hours of peaceful, truly restorative sleep every single night!
I recently interviewed two physical therapists who specialize in exercises to counteract the negative effects of sitting, and they explain this in detail in this podcast episode.
There's no need to unpack and open up the wounds; simply spread the healing cream on, which comes as self - forgiveness and affirmations to foster change and counteract negative thoughts.
Therefore, kelch13 mutations may severely handicap mutant parasites, compromising their survival unless some other change can counteract this negative effect.»
Finally, all conservation efforts are ultimately funded by the public and here education is needed to counteract negative perceptions, such as that all bacteria are «bad» or all fungi are «poisonous».
«This is a promising approach to the fast response to disease, and could help counteract the negative impact of these conspiracy theories in future.»
Astorino, who is severely underfunded compared to Cuomo, has taken to robo - calling voters to try to counteract the negative image Cuomo's ads created.
Governor Cuomo has said nothing to counteract the negative news stories, since his office received a letter from prosecutors saying the governor's initial attempt to explain himself could lead to charges of witness tampering or obstruction of justice.
Cuomo has said nothing to counteract the negative news stories, since his office received a letter from prosecutors saying the governor's initial attempt to explain himself could lead to charges of witness tampering or obstruction of justice.
For a sufficiently informed electoral, this voting scheme should make a plurality victory by an extremist less likely, since to guarantee a victory the candidate needs a larger proportion of positive voters to counteract negative voters who don't have strong views between the moderates.
By helping parents enroll in educational and training programs and pursue employment, home visiting programs help counteract the negative consequences of economic insecurity and encourage success both at home, and also in school and at work.
Home visitation programs can counteract the negative consequences of economic insecurity and encourage success not only at home but also in school and at work.
Studies have shown that breastfeeding helps counteract the negative side effects of cigarette smoke on your baby's lungs.
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