Sentences with phrase «counters climate change proponents»

Most media ignore evidence that counters climate change proponents.

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For most of the 35 years, proponents of climate change policies have usually responded to these arguments by making counter «factual» claims such as climate policies will increase jobs or trigger economic growth.
Again and again proponents of action on climate change have responded to economic arguments against taking action to reduce the threat of climate change by making counter economic arguments such as climate change policies will produce new jobs or reduce adverse economic impacts that will follow from the failure to reduce the threat of climate change.
It is not enough for proponents of climate change policies to simply make counter scientific and economic «factual» arguments to the scientific and economic claims of the climate change policy opponents, advocates for climate policies need to help citizens understand what interests are responsible for the disinformation that is the basis for the false arguments made by opponents of climate change policies, why the tactics used the opponents of climate change policies are morally reprehensible, and why the arguments of those opposing climate change policies will continue to create huge injustices and immense suffering in the world.
«Even if they conclude that countering climate change would warrant such a sacrifice, proponents of divestment should offer some evidence or reasoning that it is the best course of action.»
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