Sentences with phrase «counting system»

With a non calorie counting system, though, we're instead focused on behaviors that influence the calories rather than directly on the calories themselves.
The company has set out a largely reasonable page - count system for determining the length of an ebook, although authors with illustrated ebooks don't seem to benefit.
I have a quota system rather than a calorie counting system — I drink enough water, eat at least five servings of fruits & veggies every day, and walk everywhere I can.
So the coexistence of supposedly primitive and advanced counting systems in the same culture piqued the interest of psychologist Sieghard Beller and anthropologist Andrea Bender of the University of Freiburg in Germany.
At the same time, the islanders add up various other objects using an abstract counting system similar to the one English speakers use.
However, by utilizing a traffic count system that uses cameras to track guests, Harris Ranch is able to discover opportunities to convert restaurant diners into Country Store customers and vice-versa.
There is ample evidence that object - specific counting systems do precede abstract systems in cultural evolution.
On a page count system like KU, the longer your books, the fewer readers you need to attract to be successful.
i've not seen any other counting system, not based on a zero and 10, that is effecient, but welcome any insight..
Some are blaming Google translate and some blame South Korea's complex counting system but whatever went wrong it looks like this order got scrambled.
«A hundred jumping jacks — and we do this on the military count system, so you count, one - two - three - one.
STV does this by using a very accurate but complicated counting system.
The count involves simply counting how many votes are cast for each party (in the party vote) and each candidate (in the Representative vote)- the same process as the current counting system.
It's not so much that the winner has half the electorate behind them, more that because of a weird counting system, they have crawled over the finishing line.
Also, they described the counting of votes in STV as «incontestably opaque» and argued that different counting systems could produce different results.
The delay in officially announcing the winner has reportedly been down to «counting errors» in the new - fangled electronic counting system - and officials reckon it could be at least midnight before we have an answer.
She titled her project «A Binary Counting System» and tweaked E. coli to respond to and then pass on molecular signals that toggle on and off, something like the computer's alternating binary system of zeros and ones.
Because 10 has only two prime factors (2 and 5), dividing by thirds results in an annoyingly infinite approximation (0.3333...) whereas the base - 12 counting system produces a nice finite solution.
But the decimal system is not the only counting system available.
Like all Polynesians, the people who first settled on Mangareva more than 1000 years ago had a decimal counting system.
Bender and Beller realized that the Mangarevan counting system makes it possible to use binary arithmetic for calculations of large numbers, they report today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in a paper that even nonexperts will enjoy reading.
They took a fresh look at counting systems that had been previously recorded in the Pacific islands, and, in the 11 January issue of Science, they argue that what appears primitive may not be.
29:00 Eating a balanced diet: what is the insulin counting system and how does it work?
The abstract geometrical shapes of his paintings refer to philosophical or numeric systems: from Arabic, Chinese, and other ancient counting systems, to symbols from the I - Ching and Mayan calendars.
Thus, according to UK Intellectual Property Office, EITC applied for patents on technologies, such as «blockchain implemented counting system and method for use in secure voting and distribution,» «personal device security using cryptocurrency wallets,» «universal tokenisation system for blockchain based cryptocurrencies» and others.
Developed an inventory counting system that ensured overstocked inventory was included in weekly inventory counts
KEY ACHIEVEMENTS • Overhauled the existing inventory system, making it 75 % more efficient than before • Successfully implemented a cycle count system, which greatly decreased physical counting problems during inventory taking time • Implemented a series of modules that automatically rang alerts when the inventory level of any item reached 30 % • Decreased the cost of acquiring items by 80000 $ by enlisting the help of a local and less expensive shipment company
• Implemented a cart count system, resulting in decreased incidents of missing carts.
Anthropologists believe that such object - specific counting, in which words like «half - dozen» and «six» denote the same quantity but refer to different objects, preceded abstract counting systems, in which any number can describe any object.
Harris Ranch always had a solid understanding of its restaurant customers, but with the traffic count system it now understands how many people are coming in to shop at the Country Store or just use the bathroom, and can create conversion opportunities around those actions.
But Mangarevan and another of the daughter languages use object - specific counting systems — making them less abstract than the ancestral language.
In the same vein, Weight Watchers also finally caught on to this truth and altered their famous calorie counting system to give more weight to nutritional value of food rather than just counting calories.
In case you're not in the loop about this, KENPC is a unified page counting system that Amazon uses to track the pages read of kindle book's borrowed through the Kindle Unlimited and KOLL programs.
For years it's been known that the vote - counting system, which sees proxies tracked by meeting tabulator via information from the Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd. and Broadridge Investor Communication Solutions Canada, had gaps that led to errors.
The division will also exhibit the Giant - A180 blister packaging machine, the Uniline all - in - one counting system, the CD Linear tube filling machine and the Excel Plus blister machine manufactured by IMA - PG India.
I would respond to them, but then I'd mess up my counting system with the giveaway and might accidentally win my own damn Cuisinart.
So it seemed perfectly logical to adopt a counting system that used the number of fingers as a base.
It sounds like you have a pretty good grasp of how the counting system works, so I won't explain that here (unless you'd like me to, in which case I'm happy to do so).
If the measure is passed and the alternative vote method for elections is adopted, a further # 156million will be needed for an electronic vote - counting system.
Aull swapped in a gene that colored the E. coli blue, allowing her to see her counting system in action.
Pirahã people use a counting system in which quantities beyond two are not differentiated but are instead referred to simply as many.
Now, a study of Pacific Island languages suggests that counting systems can also evolve in reverse, becoming more object - specific.
Most scholars believe that Proto - Oceanic employed an abstract counting system.
A ballot - counting system that allows voters to rank the candidates could provide more accurate results
The North American Amphibian Monitoring Program is the country's largest frog - counting system.
All human societies have many apparently arbitrary practices that persist for centuries or even millennia — writing systems, counting systems, sets of number signs, and calendars, to name just a few examples.
Those questions are hard to answer for some of these choices — counting systems, for instance — to which we became committed in the remote past.
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