Sentences with phrase «countries such»

In the long term, I would hope that this might produce a countrywide attitude of acceptance and support for breastfeeding in the UK as seen in other countries such as Sweden and New Zealand, to pick just two examples.
In spite of these excellent results, there remains a common assumption that because mothers living with HIV in industrialized countries such as Europe, North America and Australia have access to clean water and safe infant feeding alternatives, breastfeeding avoidance is free from risk.
But this is not the case in countries such as Denmark, where legal provision of paternity and parental leave for fathers has been in place for almost three decades (Huerta et al, 2013).
As a matter of fact, some countries such as Canada have outright banned baby walkers!
The national governing body launched its Turning the Corner campaign in December 2016, supported by The AA, RAC and a number of pedestrian groups, to bring the UK's junctions in line with those seen in countries such as Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden.
Swearing in interviews isn't a big deal in countries such as Germany and Spain but it's frowned upon in stiffer countries.
It is similar to all US sports and is caused by the size of the country (though other large countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Russia, China and Australia all manage with a single league).
The event will take place in January next year and will go through countries such as Peru, Argentina and Bolivia.
So to say that medieval peasants fared better in diet than the rich is wrong BUT in the modern context, if you compared eating standards of poor communities and the upper class in countries such as Guatemala or El Salvador, this assumption is more correct.
Distribution is planned worldwide including countries such as England, Spain, the United States, and Australia.
In focus here are countries such as Israel, Canada and New Zealand.
In addition, countries such as Austria, Germany and Hungary held seminars to promote their wine growing regions.
Of these seven certification bodies, five can export to the European Union as provided for under Article 11 of EU Regulation 2092/91; however all seven can export to non-European countries such as Canada, Japan, Switzerland and the United States.
The minister designated «Australia's ambassador for jobs», Andrew Robb, wants to boost the profits of foreign investors as a key to striking muchdelayed free - trade deals with countries such as China, Japan and South Korea and tapping into $ 150 billion of potential foreign investment.
Recognition of stevia as an ingredient in food and beverages sector, increasing awareness through online marketing, and strengthening supply chain particularly in countries such as India, Brazil, and Russia are key focus areas for companies in this market.
A Citizenship Ambassador for the Obama Administration and an ambassador for the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves launched by Hillary Clinton, he also runs his own initiatives including World Central Kitchen, plus education and training programmes in countries such as Haiti.
Influenced by lowering birth rates and increasing life expectancy, all major European countries such as the UK, France, Germany, Spain and Italy have more than 16 % of population who are aged above 65 years in 2012.
Developing countries such as India, China, Brazil and others, have weak distribution networks for demineralised whey ingredient products.
Further, countries such as Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, and West Indian producers, do not have such guidelines.
SUPERMARKET giants Coles and Woolworths are relying on cheap labour in countries such as South Africa and Thailand to deliver their burgeoning house - brand lines at the lowest prices.
It would also mean countries such as America would have no reason to keep using as many antibiotics to keep livestock healthy in unsanitary battery conditions.
However, in developing countries such as African nations, a very limited share of waste is recovered and reused, and only major or capital cities have waste management systems.
Countries such as Denmark and China have already stated a commitment to helping their citizens cut back on their consumption of meat.
Australia will be joining an array of countries such as the US, Britain and Japan that have already sent IP counsellors to China as trade between the various countries continues to expand from bulk commodities to more food and beverages, reported the Financial Review.
Also detracting from the clean and green advantage is that these attributes are also connected with other countries such as the USA and France (see Table 1).88 While Australia often has the strongest association with these attributes, the relative advantage is not as strong as many within the industry believe.
Large current markets in developed countries such as USA, Japan and Germany are expected to exhibit slow growth over the next five years (< 1 %), while high growth is expected for emerging Asian markets including Vietnam (13 %), India (13 %) and Indonesia (13 %) as well as the well - established Chinese market (8 %).25
While strengthening existing partnerships, we are building new partnerships with countries such as Brazil and China, which have developed their own agricultural sectors through technological and policy innovation and are increasingly important to agricultural growth in the regions where we work.
Already, developing countries such as Brazil and Uruguay have stolen the march in getting beef into China in larger quantities than Australia.
These are chili - based and popular in countries such as Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti.
France led the move towards country of origin labelling and has since been followed by countries such as Italy and Portugal.
The sugar is sourced from various coops in countries such as Malawi and Paraguay.
Sparkling wine is forecast to grow by an average 2 % year - on - year to 2021, driven predominantly by North America, but also showing strong growth in the UK and Asia - Pacific countries such as Australia, Japan.
Also, the invited speakers were from different countries such as South Korea, Philippines, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, India, Japan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, USA, China, Vietnam, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, etc..
The company initially intends to export the majority of the products manufactured at the plant to countries such as Sweden and Denmark.
Since its establishment in Europe, Kuatro Furniture has been able to win the admiration of many of its clients from countries such as Spain, France, England and Dubai for many of its unique styles and outstanding furniture quality.
Golden Rice, which is being developed by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), will supposedly address Vitamin A Deficiency (VAD) in developing countries such as the Philippines.
Other problems include the rising practice of parallel importing, which involves bypassing the local licensees of a product and buying the product from third parties in countries such as Indonesia, Brazil, Malaysia and the US.
The company is a pioneer in the cost - saving bladder approach, which substantially cuts freight costs and reduces the environmental footprint because of the lower weight of the giant bags, compared with transporting finished bottles of wine stacked on pallets from countries such as Australia, Chile and New Zealand.
Countries such as the United States are already leading, with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency setting the nation's first ever food waste goal: a 50 percent reduction by 2030.
It makes sauces from cayenne, jalapeno, habanero and tabasco pepper for private label retailers as well as the foodservice industry including hospitals, schools, military and restaurants in the United States and worldwide in countries such as Middle East, Africa, Russia, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Korea and Malaysia.
The Chinese government has announced that it will lower the country's VAT tax from the current 17 % to 16 % for imported goods, which is expected to boost China's wine imports, especially for countries such as Australia and Chile that have signed Free Trade Agreements with China.
In some countries such as Malaysia, pepper vines are grown on poles or accessible trellises.
However, Carib also exports to non-neighboring countries such as Sweden, the United Kingdom, Canada and the eastern United States.
Ciao serves authentic Italian fare and wines for every pallet from countries such as Canada, France and, of course, Italy.
The trend means that manufacturers are becoming more dependent on countries such as Ghana for supplies.
North America remains the top producer and consumer of blueberries, although other countries such as Chile are becoming increasingly involved in the development of the crop.
Sweet potatoes are part of the morning glory family and originate from tropical countries such as Peru and Ecuador, while yams are actually tuberous vines that are closely related to lilies — some of which can grown up to 4.5 feet long!
But look at other Islamic Arabs majority countries such Egypt, Sudan, All North African Countries you would find Worship houses for Muslims, Christians, Jews and God know what else and been living for years in Peace and Respect until this Era since WW's + 1948 unjust decisions the world is changing badly separating brothers of one blood in different faith & beliefs become to doubt each other in to some race towards power and dominance over each other in to some Jungle Laws, this has brought negative feeling and emotions among all multi religion cultures that were living and trading in peace...!
- Homeschooling would become restricted, so thousands of homeschooling parents emigrate to other countries such as Australia and New Zealand.
Today, in countries such as the United States, even through the majority of people consider themselves Christian, it is «the rich and famous» who are most admired and emulated.
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