Sentences with phrase «country in particular»

Developing countries in particular are in need of global support for adaptation.
In prosperous countries in particular, it makes sense for central government to establish the necessary infrastructure for flood protection.
You may be wondering, however, what we think of the so - called BRIC countries in particular — otherwise known as Brazil, Russia, India and China — especially given the recent political - scandal and slowing - growth headlines surrounding some of these countries.
The United States wants to play down the importance of this climate debt and force emerging countries in particular to do their part.
It makes me wonder because such case in other countries (Western countries in particular) are not considered a crime because it's a...
If I remember my economics correctly, an extension of Ricardo's theory is that countries do not have to have an advantage over other countries in a particular area, just that they are relatively better at one thing than another.
So now was it the media delusioned you or it gave you an exuse for crimes against Islam and Muslim countries in particular?
Mother Nature is proving a fickle mistress for two producer countries in particular.
It should be more patriotic, not to just defend the indefensible, but to own up to the fact of Nigeria's killing scourge and use the opportunity of the London summit to seek the cooperation of the world and the participating countries in particular to make their vaults inaccessible and unavailable for the proceeds of corruption from Nigeria's kleptomaniac club.
Low - income countries in particular often focused their program on mothers and children, in part because they relied on substantial assistance from two programs — the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria — that began nearly 15 years ago and emphasized those populations.
For more about boarding schools in Europe and these three countries in particular see the Eurydice briefing.
Membership is comprised of the 33 National Tourism Organisations of Europe, whose role is to market and promote tourism to Europe in general, and to their individual countries in particular.
Developing countries in general, and the poor and vulnerable countries in particular, desperately needed financial and technological assistance to be able to adapt to inevitable climate change and to contribute to the mitigation of such change, Mr. Meles continued, adding that he was convinced that the Advisory Group could play a vital role in coming up with practical ideas on implementation of the provisions on finance of the Copenhagen Accord.
Sumption argues for special treatment for different countries in particular the UK, where he asserts that there is no reason why the protection of Convention rights should necessary require the same measures in the UK which «has for many years enjoyed a strong tradition of public service, a high degree of participation in public life, functioning, democratic institutions and an independent judiciary, as they do in countries like say, Romania, Russia or Turkey...»
Other IMF Members, the BRICS countries in particular, would likely want to see their growing economic weight translated into increased voting rights at the expense of EU Member States in return for a single seat, if they are willing to cooperate at all.
Free online courses from educational platforms such as Coursera, co-founded by Koller in 2012, offer a way for learners in developing countries in particular to gain new technical skills or take the business classes that pave the way for a career change.
However, in many countries (Asian countries in particular) students take their studies very seriously and they will hardly appreciate computer - game - style assessments or entertaining animation, as they will be too focused and nervous about achieving a high grade.
Yet the less - developed countries, and emerging countries in particular, are not exempt from their own responsibilities with regard to creation, for the duty of gradually adopting effective environmental measures and policies is incumbent upon all.»
It makes me wonder because such case in other countries (Western countries in particular) are not considered a crime because it's a part of the freedom of speech AFAIK.
The World Health Organization's (WHO) latest study on the most polluted places on the planet is out, and it's damning for one country in particular.
«Unfortunately, I know that people talk about this having a lot to do with these seven countries in particular, but I think the net is cast a little bit wider than we know,» Muhammad added.
Two of the countries in particular — South Korea and Thailand — weathered the latest regional problems relatively well.
Not only is the evangelical population growing in Central America, further pushed by poverty and violence, these countries in particular are sending a growing number of immigrants to America.
These countries in particular have higher levels of wine consumption than other parts of Asia and this translates into greater understanding of wine and greater potential for appreciation of Australia's fine wine offering.
I know naming your baby after this country in particular can bring about furious debate on the internet, but despite that it is one really worth thinking about, so please hear me out, ok?
In his remarks, National Security Adviser, Maj - General Babagana Mongonu said the 4th session is coming at a very crucial period, particularly as «We have witnessed the collective resolve of both our Presidents for peace and stability in our two countries in particular and the sub-region in general.
There are so many single men and women in the world and in the country in particular that face some trouble with private life.
And like on the video that plays at Heathrow, Fry was once again personifying Britishness, but this time with the audience of one country in particular, the country he was currently in, the one with a certain head of state.
I can see that the fact that the conference is being held at an African country and that the President of the conference is African, can help set a certain tone for the conference That will allow the position of the developing countries in particular the African ones to be more noticed.
Unfortunately, two countries in particular have yet to see official Echo releases - New Zealand and Australia.
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