Sentences with phrase «country out of poverty»

As a result, it offers the only way for humanity to both significantly reduce its environmental impact and lift every country out of poverty.
It should be noted that corrupt governments are inefficient in the extreme — resources are diverted away from investments in education and infrastructure, absolutely necessary for bringing a country out of poverty and reducing birthrates.
I don't see how that could lift the country out of poverty.
Like people around the globe, Singaporeans, who have worked hard for decades to lift the country out of poverty, now want to enjoy their fortune.
Bhutan hopes a new hydropower plant will help lift the country out of poverty while reducing pollution in India
We are also proposing a far reaching partnership on how we protect Europe together from the threats we face in the world today; how we work together to promote our shared values and interests abroad; whether security, spreading the rule of law, dealing with emerging threats, handling the migration crisis or helping countries out of poverty.
And to assist Canadian businesses that want to invest in developing countries while helping pull those countries out of poverty, we will establish a Development Finance Initiative to provide financing, technical assistance and business advisory services to firms operating in developing countries.
If the continuing rise of developing countries out of poverty continues, then even with stabilisation or mild reductions in Western use of energy, the world will be using at least say 50 % more energy in 2050 - 2080 than now.
It has long been shown that trade lifts countries out of poverty and the UK will continue to work with developing countries to help them ratify and implement the agreement to ensure they benefit from reduced trade costs and waiting times.

Not exact matches

This includes the aid we give to Africa to help countries there get out of the poverty trap.»
In fact, according to HuffPo, a $ 10.10 level would have pushed a whopping 58 percent of this country's working poor out of poverty.
It will be important for developing countries to have access to the technology that can help with education, infrastructure, health and productivity, the tools needed to lift people out of poverty.
In developing countries, we focus on improving people's health and wellbeing, helping individuals lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty.
«I look at it the same way the WTO does it, and that is that the single easiest way to spread wealth around the world is to have poor countries pull themselves out of poverty,» Wilson told The Tyee.
Many of the world's poor in developing countries — nearly 2 billion, according to the World Bank — struggle to lift themselves out of poverty simply because they don't have...
And with people taking out loans for trousseaus and multi-day feasts in India, one minister of parliament, Rayapati Sambasiva Rao, tried to create government restrictions on weddings, saying they are «a vulgar display of wealth» in a country riddled with poverty.
Use the world bank to help country's out of poverty, not push them further into it by forcing them into huge loans they cant pay for and spending it on contracts with our multi-nationals to privatize resources and services.
We enslave and abuse them, we take over their countries and their resources, we exploit their poverty by investing in their poverty and virtually use them as slave labour, as we close down factories in our own country to make a fortune out of others misery, while at the same time put people out of work in the home country.
The United Kingdom is the world's sixth - largest economy, but it ranked only 25th out of 41 developed countries in the world for child poverty in Unicef's report.
If we simply kill a hundred possible terrorists in Afghanistan and do little about the swamp of poverty, hunger, despair and political disarray in that country and elsewhere in the Third World, we will fail to «dry out the breeding ground of terrorists.»
«Not just in one country but in numerous Muslim countries, I have been able to walk in, head held high, no covert cover story and not only identify passively as a Christian but identify openly, work openly and hold serious talks about faith between Muslims and Christians, and not just at the grassroots level of poverty — people who needed my help — but also with the powerful and influential people who could have, in that moment, had me arrested and had me taken out back.»
Throwing off Fabian socialism in India and the stark economic socialism that had so depleted China, these countries would go on to move some 500 million persons out of poverty in just two decades.
Hannah Arendt, in her illuminating book On Revolution (Viking, 1965), exalts the American Revolution as the most successful one and traces that success to the fact that «it occurred in a country that knew nothing of mass poverty and among a people who had a widespread experience of self - government;» She says that one of the blessings in the American situation was that the revolution grew out of a conflict with a limited monarchy, for «the more absolute the ruler, the more absolute the revolution will be which replaces him.»
From 1377 onward he began to send out itinerant preachers of his views all over the country These people known as Lollards, preached chiefly evangelical poverty against the rich, luxurious life of many churchmen.
Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities; rusted - out factories, scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation; an education system flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge; and the crime, and the gangs, and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential.
I think Jesus would have been against everything the GOP stands for from taking from the poor and giving to the rich, to denying millions health care, and thinking we live in a wonderful country when inequality is so out of control that we have millions unemployed, homeless, or living in poverty.
I remember that I was one of the many who, at different times, were commissioned and prayed for and sent out from this community to Nicaragua and the Philippines for exposure to the pain and poverty lived every day by our brothers and sisters in those countries.
In his book Asia Rising, the economist Jim Rohwer points out that from 1970 to 1990 the number of desperately poor East Asians fell from 400 million to 180 million, even while the population of those countries was rising by 425 million — in other words, East Asia achieved a net rescue from poverty of almost 650 million people.
In developing countries, the foundation focuses on improving people's health and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty.
PT: One of the ones I'm most excited about is Expeditionary Learning Schools [now known as EL Education]-- about 150 schools spread out over the country in both public and charter schools, some with well - off kids, some with kids in poverty.
They focus both on improving and expanding the nation's nutrition programs, and bolstering the economy and strengthening supports for working families in order to move more out of poverty, the root cause of hunger in this country.
In fairness I don't think he meant it in a development context - he'd be clearly wrong since the Washington Consensus is long dead and overwhelming evidence from Stiglitz, Ha - Joon Chang, Oxfam and others show that no country in history has lifted its people out of poverty without an active state, the infant industry arguments etc..
For 75 years and in over 90 countries around the world we have spent our time thinking about how to help women and men develop enterprises to work their way out of poverty, and how to help them hold their governments to account to ensure they have a fair chance.
«All the progress our country has made in a decade fighting the scar of child poverty has been wiped out by the decisions of just one year.
Dr Bawumia know very well that part of the reasons why the Zimbabwean people are languishing in poverty with low infrastructure development in many parts of its rural zones is this wholesale handing out of the country's mineral resources over the last three decades costing the country millions of jobs.Is Dr Bawumia aware that Zimbabwe has runout of alluvial diamonds at a time when the country has been allowed to sell its gems on the global market.
The Child Poverty in Perspective: An over-view of child well - being in rich countries report ranks Britain last out of 21 countries.
A spokesman said: «DFID continues to deliver effective humanitarian support and aid to developing countries, lifting three million people out of poverty every year.
«Even if some of us are exceptionally lucky and they are able to get out, the majority of us will be ridden in poverty and that is not what God has ordained for this country.
The Child Poverty Action Group points out that countries with non-means-tested support for children tend to have low rates of child pPoverty Action Group points out that countries with non-means-tested support for children tend to have low rates of child povertypoverty.
And when you think of all we as a country invested over that period — in restoring the NHS, rebuilding schools, taking hundreds of thousands of pensioners out of poverty, ditto children — keeping the National Debt below the level they inherited from the Conservatives was a fantastic achievement.
A country that is bedevilled by low industrial growth, mass unemployment, poverty, illiteracy and poor infrastructural / facility development can not be thinking of currency devaluation as an option to getting out of her economic woes.
Omanhen of Twifo Traditional Area in the Central Region Dr Nana Appiah Nuamah ll has tasked the country's leaders to have vision and ideas to drive the canker of poverty out of the country.
More than 214 million people live outside of their country of origin, many of whom were forced out due to reasons such as war, political persecution, poverty, degradation, or natural disasters.
Poor nations say wealthy countries got rich using coal, oil and gas and they must be allowed to develop their way out of poverty.
Moving forward, Suri and Jack now aim to conduct similar research on the impact of mobile - money services on poverty in Uganda, Tanzania, and Pakistan «to find out if this is just an effect for Kenya or more systematic across other countries,» Suri says.
Meanwhile, coal industry leaders say they are optimistic about coal's ability to deliver developing countries out of energy poverty and have noted that coal is expected to surpass oil as the world's leading energy source by 2015.
Education will enable refugees to lift themselves out of poverty and misery and, eventually, obtain the means to participate fully in the host communities as well as to contribute to national economic development and, upon return, to the development of their own countries.
A resolution condemning terrorism was unanimously passed, but the young diplomats didn't stop there: They called for more humanitarian aid in the form of food, health care, and education so that terrorism was not considered the only way out of poverty and oppression and so that countries could look beyond survival and consider issues such as possible terrorists in their midst.
Meanwhile, Voltaire said that he had become more aware of new ways of learning and teaching — all things that he saw as a means to help get the country «out of poverty and misery.»
The topics in this bundle are: * family * relationships * free time * technology and social media * food and eating out * town * home * charity and voluntary work * poverty and homelessness * healthy living * holidays * tourism * working life * school * post-16 education * ambitions * environment (I also have a file on festivals and traditions in German - speaking countries, but it's only available as an individual set, not part of the bundle)
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