Sentences with word «coupage»

Under normal circumstances, a dog recovering from pneumonia should receive coupage treatments four times per day until all coughing has been eliminated.
For maximum effect, perform coupage after nebulization, since lung secretions are more easily expelled when moist.
Although with supportive treatment, such as intravenous fluids, antibiotics and airway dilators, which help clear the airway as well as coupage (i.e. the act of gently patting your hand over the chest of the patient to help knock mucus loose from the lungs), the patient can make a full recovery.
You can use both hands for coupage if your dog is large.
Hand placement and proper technique are more important in performing effective coupage than the level of firmness used.
The force exerted on the lungs through coupage moves those materials into the dog's major airways, which in turn will induce coughing.
Answer: The only 2 things I would recommend without seeing the dog would be to (1) humidify - let the dog into the bathroom whenever anyone is taking a hot bath or shower - and (2) coupage = gently patting chest all over to help cough up infection that might be trying to stay down in the lungs.
Providing a warm, humidified environment and using coupage can help to moisten the airways and can assist in clearing mucus if that is part of the problem.
Dogs with cardiovascular instability or who have fractured ribs, pleural space disease, open wounds, thoracic tumors, flail chest — an injury following blunt force trauma, where part of the rib cage becomes detached — or other cardiac or respiratory distress should not receive coupage.
Your vet can teach you the proper technique for performing coupage, and placing your dog on a table or other raised platform will allow you to work comfortably.
Blending, mix, coupage, cut, mélange... Call it whatever you like, this involves one of the most decisive and sensitive practices for a wine producer.
Only the affected portions of lung tissue should receive coupage, since performing it on healthy lung tissue can lead to lung collapse.
More severely affected dogs require more aggressive treatment, which may include hospitalization, intravenous fluid therapy, oxygen support, nebulization and coupage.
Furthermore, coupage / steam inhalation (nebulization) should be performed and possibly a mucolytic agent given.
With appropriate nutrition, oxygen therapy, various respiratory therapies (i.e.: thoracic physiotherapy or nebulization / coupage), maintenance of hydration, and good husbandry interventions, most dogs recover within 2 - 3 weeks.
Casey was given fluids and antibiotics, which he would continue to receive overnight, along with nebulization (oxygen in mist form) and coupage (percussion by nurses on his chest in an effort to loosen and remove any secretions from the lungs).
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