Sentences with phrase «couple lines»

Last, if you're not sure what to do later, it'll be a compelling couple lines on your resume.
It is not saying we do not know so there must be a god... that is not a strawman either... that is what the first couple lines say.
A month later, 90 same - sex couples lined up at Queens Borough Hall to be married.
eHarmony definitely doesn't skimp on the romantic decorations - there are hearts everywhere, signs that say «LOVE» in curling script, and pictures of happy couples lining almost every wall.
I would appreciate if you could type couple lines to your colleagues / followers outside US, that don't have the pleasure of 2 % government rates J of how to protect from inflation?
You won't find Resonate Stem until you've polished off the main story for Warmind and beated a couple of world quests from the Data Recovery line that will earn you the
What you see as a couple lines on your resume is actually thousands of hours spent with a group of people with values, stories and institutional memories.
Denton went on to say that part of the idea behind the piece was to «put up a mirror to the public,» but that «it was a little too sophisticated a point to be making in a couple lines
With only a couple lines of code, or delivered via browser, cyber criminals harness stolen processing power and cloud CPU usage to mine crypto currency.
But when the couple lined up to use their family boarding privileges like they had done many times in the past, they were denied access on the grounds that «this is for family boarding only,» Morse said.
I have a couple lined up, so new recipes will be coming soon!
Going to use a couple lines from the Cohen / Apuli section above..
The drivers start to arrive in the middle of the afternoon, lining up according to racing class: motorcycles and hot rods towed in on trailers on one side, street - legal sports cars in the middle, and, at the very far end of the pit, a couple lines of high school kids flanked on one side by black and white patrol cars.
That's fairly easy to set up, but you do have to set up each page individually and then add a couple lines of JavaScript to the original page.
Itâ $ ™ s okay to talk about children if youâ $ ™ re a parent, but cap it at a couple lines, max.
I would like to find a fun guy for maybe a nice dinner, a walk, a movie, a couple lines of bowling, who knows.
A couple lines, or a paragraph or two is great.
Anderson belongs to the same school of filmmaking as the Coen Brothers, where even the characters with only a couple lines are brimming with kooky personality.
Brian snorts a couple lines of his hostage's ice, they read passages from Rick Warren's mega-bestseller The Purpose Driven Life, and the single mother, ever resourceful, softens the killer up by cooking him a stack of pancakes.
As a straight up genre flick, it's an anti-thriller — the actual hunt for Russell and Frankie is pretty much skipped over entirely, and solved with a couple lines of dialogue.
The toy commercial for the Sentinel Prime figure features a couple lines of dialogue that appear to come from the movie.
As a straight - up genre flick, it's an anti-thriller — the actual hunt for Russell and Frankie is pretty much skipped over entirely, and solved with a couple lines of dialogue.
Oh, there are a couple lines here and there about how they shouldn't build skyscrapers in earthquake zones, but it doesn't amount to anything.
After a shaky prologue sequence — which overuses Bill Hader for some kind of a Superbad reference and underuses James Remar, who only gets a couple lines — Express moves into safe territory.
Hong doesn't get enough credit in the Kung Fu Panda series even though he provides excellent voice work while stars such as Seth Rogen, Lucy Liu, David Cross and Jackie Chan are inexplicably there to contribute a couple lines of dialogue and some grunting noises for fights.
Jay Baruchel as the Marketing Director for OCP ruins one of only a couple lines stolen from the 1987 movie.
Lin - Manuel Miranda got to perform just a couple lines of his Moana song; this was less airtime than Seth Rogen and Michael J. Fox singing «Schuyler Sisters» from Hamilton.
The Easy Fill feature is standard on all trim lines, another piece of technology that's a couple lines of code somewhere in a black box providing lots of value at little cost.
There are a couple lines of fine print, though.
I am hoping to avoid having to change a couple lines in every sequence.
You may want to consider opening a couple lines of credit if the timing is right.
When you've established a couple lines of credit through cards, it might be time to take out a small personal loan.
I noticed that Form 6251 for 2013 has a couple lines related to NOLs (Line 10: Net operating loss deduction, and Line 11: Alternative tax net operating loss deduction), but my CPA left both of those lines blank.
For instance, in the template I selected, my product images did not indicate if more options (sizes, colors, framing, etc) were available, so I had to add a couple lines of code to make that show up.
But rather than take my word for it, a couple lines from the EIA itself are helpful here:
«You'll be able to add namecoin in a couple lines.
Notifications are still grouped by app, so the ones that send a lot are collapsed to just a couple lines; you can just expand it to see them all.
And while you likely already know that the assistant can read a couple lines of a Wikipedia entry or spout off a laundry list of facts pertaining to Samuel L. Jackson, we doubt you're aware of everything it's currently capable of doing.
Merchants using can add just a couple lines of code, check a button, and add a new payment method or feature in minutes, and consumers can get quick access to these new experiences.
Shutters take an app that has a corresponding widget — say the Android Central App — and sticks a couple lines on the bottom right of the icon.
With a low barrier of entry — only requiring a couple lines of code to operate — cyber criminals are harnessing stolen processing power and cloud CPU usage from consumers and enterprises to mine cryptocurrency.
That said, a resume that's one page plus a couple lines makes you look sloppy.
on a couple lines, one of which we'll get to in just a minute.
The applicant has listed his education information simply in a couple lines that nonetheless give all the necessary information: the name of the degree, the college, and the year he completed his education.
If I really want to fix this resume, I would cut the bullets I listed down to just a couple lines and add a few accomplishments.
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