Sentences with phrase «couple of different story»

Quasi-based on the 2006 Marvel Comics crossover event of the same name, there's a couple of different story arcs happening in Civil War.

Not exact matches

United offers a slightly different version of the story, saying in a statement that the couple «repeatedly attempted to sit in upgraded seating which they did not purchase and they would not follow crew instructions to return to their assigned seats.»
A couple of years before, it was a different story.
We love this kind of stories and if anyone listening, if you guys have a story that you would like us to read on the show, you can submit it to us in a couple of different ways.
Whether in the end he'll vote with his conscience to aid gay couples is a different story — at least in the logic of Albany.
But the brains of the homosexual couples, in which each partner was a primary caregiver, told a different story.
If I had left it a couple of years it would have been a different story,» he told a British tabloid.
my understanding of regular potatoes any color skin flesh etc. is this... potatoes are on the dirty dozen list... sweet potatoes are on the clean 15... i eat over 50 % of my diet in the form of a few different colors of sweet potatoes... i buy them bulk... peel»em very deeply... at least 1/2 inch all around... i sometimes get them as large as 6 pounds (football sized)... i used to wear out the regular potatoes but after speaking with the safety expert from a huge potato company to find out if the potatoes are grown on soil which had grain crops treated with round - up herbicide filled with atrazine and glyphosate (which most grain crops are... inluding many wheat crops... they get sprayed like 3 days before harvest... then the round - up is in the soil)... problem is... the round - up stays for 7 years... after stayin» off the soil for a couple years... it can have any kind of crop planted on it and get an organic rating... but... whatever was planted on that soil is then full of round - up... so... this crop rotation onto fields which had grain crops sprayed with round - up herbicide etc. is EXTREMELY COMMON IN THE GROWING PRACTICE FOR REGULAR POTATOES... very common practice... so even if you peel»em deeply... they are still soaked with round - up... the glyphosates get in the gut... the aluminum which is all over everything grown above ground and not covered (hot house etc)... gets eaten9ya can't wash it off... unless ya peel everything... but greens etc. ya can not get it out... it gets in the fiber)... then ya eat it... it goes in the gut... mixes with the glyphosate... becomes 10,000 timesmore toxic... inhibits the bodies ability to properly process sulfur into sulfide and sulfate... basically many very smart researchers are sayin'this is the cause of all this asperger's... autism... alzheimer's like symptoms in the elderly... you can only take so much nano... pico... and heavy metal poisoning... the brain starts to act very strangely... so... long story short... i eat lots of sweet pots grown on clean soil... they are non-gmo and basically grown organically... but... the grower doesn't pay for the certification... i make sure to get my omega 3 from fresh ground flax seed in the morning away from my sweet potato consumption... the omega 6 in the sweet pots inhibits the absorption of omega 3 and i only want so much fat daily... i'm on the heart attack proof diet by dr. caldwell b. esselstyn jr....
I've heard so many stories about not having a change of clothes when needed, so I'll have a couple of different options in her bag.
While my mind is currently on my goals of 2016, the last couple of weeks were a totally different story.
I received a couple different boxes from Color4Nails with items to review on my blog and I was accidentally sent 2 sets of Picture Polish Chance, Trouble, Mishap & Story.
I've heard stories of long - married couples who have very different ways of expressing caring.
The Houston Chronicle also included a number of success stories from different couples which lead to marriages.
The dating stories, written by the couples themselves, talk of knowing the right match was made at first sight, getting through the awkward first few minutes of a date and how the dating process is not all that much different compared to traditional methods of meeting people.
Over the past couple of decades, filmmakers and TV producers have used the pop artist in a bunch of different ways: to tell true stories about the New York art world, to quickly signal «the 1960s,»...
The star - studded ensemble comedy tells the intertwining story of five couples that are having very different experiences while expecting babies.
You see, while Monolift Soft's Xenoblade Chronicles 2, is stated as being a sequel to 2010's Xenoblade Chronicles, it's not because it's a continuation, as Xenoblade Chronicles 2 features an entirely different world that tells a new story, but because Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is more like the original game as opposed to Xenoblade Chronicles X. Xenoblade X was met with some disdain due to tearing a couple of pages out of the rule book that was used to define Xenoblade Chronicles, before burning them.
Films that might have fit this putative strand included the charming but overlong Timeless Stories, co-written and directed by Vasilis Raisis (and winner of the Michael Cacoyannis Award for Best Greek Film), a story that follows a couple (played by different actors at different stages of the characters» lives) across the temporal loop of their will - they, won't - they relationship from childhood to middle age and back again — essentially Julio Medem - lite, or Looper rewritten by Richard Curtis; Michalis Giagkounidis's 4 Days, where the young antiheroine watches reruns of Friends, works in an underpatronized café, freaks out her hairy stalker by coming on to him, takes photographs and molests invalids as a means of staving off millennial ennui, and causes ripples in the temporal fold, but the film is as dead as she is, so you hardly notice; Bob Byington's Infinity Baby, which may be a «science - fiction comedy» about a company providing foster parents with infants who never grow up, but is essentially the same kind of lame, unambitious, conformist indie comedy that has characterized U.S. independent cinema for way too long — static, meticulously framed shots in pretentious black and white, amoral yet supposedly lovable characters played deadpan by the usual suspects (Kieran Culkin, Nick Offerman, Megan Mullally, Kevin Corrigan), reciting apparently nihilistic but essentially soft - center dialogue, jangly indie music at the end, and a pretty good, if belated, Dick Cheney joke; and Petter Lennstrand's loveably lo - fi Up in the Sky, shown in the Youth Screen section, about a young girl abandoned by overworked parents at a sinister recycling plant, who is reluctantly adopted by a reconstituted family of misfits and marginalized (mostly puppets) who are secretly building a rocket — it's for anyone who has ever loved the Tintin moon adventures, books with resourceful heroines, narratives with oddball gangs, and the legendary episode of Angel where David Boreanaz turned into a Muppet.
The story skips around almost erratically in different times and countries, illustrating the love - story of the couple as they reflect on their thoughts and feelings about themselves and what they are witnessing through narration.
What I will say though is while Cave Story + is a rather cool game you can blitz through in a couple of hours (depending on what kind of a difficulty you choose,) be prepared to play through it more than once as there are many different endings to experience, but the levels are wonderfully designed so re-experiencing them more than once won't be an issue.
He just wants to tell the story of a couple who received flak simply for, well, loving one another even though their skin was different colors.
In Silent Hill 2, we prepared a couple of different types of endings, but they're all «real» endings - each ending will give you a complete story.
Entertaining, funny, dramatic, brilliant, interesting story and food for thought about how the housing market works and what happened back in 2007 that 3 different groups of people realised a couple of years before it occurred.
The Berlin School filmmaker returns with The Dreamed Path, the story of two couples» relationships in two different time periods, presented in minimal, emotionally charged scenes that are linked intuitively — even mysteriously — across the two paths.
Based on the bestselling book, which inspired both a sequel and a children's adaptation, «Same Kind of Different as Me» is the true story of a wealthy Texas white couple, Ron and Debbie (Greg Kinnear and Renee Zellweger), who befriend a violent homeless man (Djimon Hounsou).
I talk about a couple of different approaches in the book, like statistical sampling and «big - data» approaches [see this story for more details].
It's a little bit of a cheat in a couple of ways — some of the words are co-written (about 50 % in fact) while there is also some repackaging, where stories or books are available in different forms or bundles — about 35 % of that 1,000,000 words is doubled up.
There were other creators in the audience that also began talking about contributing to digital comics (the panel became a round table discussion for a couple of minutes), Sean talked about a job he had to turn down, Stuart talked about a small Pirates of the Caribbean story that he did in a completely different style and how it lead to the work he did on Nextwave.
I have heard a couple different stories for the source of the name.
With a couple of exceptions, they are all selecting different stories as favourites to win.
Not for the faint of heart... Although this is a series, it is not a serial Each book is a standalone story starring a different couple and with a HEA or HFN ending.
I pitched it a couple of different times as a magazine story.
Then the comics market bust of the»80s somehow ended up creating even worse speculation, higher cover prices, shinier paper stock, more ads - to-less content books, and the only books I ended up reading continuously after that were Archie digests — those little ones with a million stories from all different eras printed on pulp and sell for a couple bucks.
Every week for the last three months, I have read a different version of the same story: Upwardly mobile, hard - working, young, would - be homeowner couple who loves walking to their weekend brunch spot in urban Vancouver.
There are a few different local legends to explain away these formations, the most popular being the story of an elderly couple who, having decided that their son should marry took to the sea to find him a bride, only to be shipwrecked in a storm and their bodies washed ashore and turned to stone.
This is such a missed opportunity because, in some respects, Remedy succeeded in making me feel emotionally invested in a couple of the «bad guys» but had they carried that over into the actual game itself to truly mind fuck the gamer, it would be a completely different story.
Unlike the majority of VR games or «experiences» that tease great immersion and gameplay, but leave you wanting more after it ends in only a couple hours, Arizona Sunshine offers a full story campaign with full co-op, Horde mode with up to 4 - players and a few different story mode difficulties.
Boat story time was my favorite part of the game along with just taking in the immersive visual backdrops, imo its more like an interconnected hub world where everything looks and feel much grander in scale then it really is and its done very well in that aspect GOW is essentially to different games at the same time, a great storytelling quiet time with rich lore on the one side and brutal precise hard hitting combat on the other, mixed up with perfect pacing and a couple of epic cliffhangers at the endd
In Silent Hill 2, we prepared a couple of different types of endings, but they're all «real» endings - each ending will give you a complete story.
The story does have a couple of subplots as well, which can bag yourself some nice rewards, with their own sub events linked to different members of your team.
Like its predecessor, Wasteland 2 contains dozens of different skills characters can focus on, coupled with the open world and open - ended story, the game has a good amount of replayability.
Monster Hunter Stories releases this week for Nintendo 3DS and it's got a couple of different uses of amiibo.
While the story only takes a couple hours to play through, there's plenty of replayability in SUPERHOT VR, as you can try to play through different ways, or take on challenge modes.
Continuity begins as a straight - forward story of an emotional homecoming and turns uncanny as the two protagonists — a middle aged couple living in a small town in Germany — repeatedly invite different young men into their home to perform a mysterious ritual.
These charts — which come from the 2015 BP Statistical Review of World Energy — tell a story somewhat different from the narrative that has been pushed so assiduously in Paris over the last couple of weeks.
Norton Rose Fulbright's 2017 Litigation Trends Annual Survey covered the question of international regulations with a couple of data points, and at the surface level, they tell two very different stories about the intersection of e-discovery and international regulations.
Norton Rose Fulbright's 2017 Litigation Trends Annual Survey covered the question of international regulations with a couple of data points, and at the surface level, they tell two very different stories about the intersection of e-discovery and international regulations.The first... Read More
The buttery - smooth combat of the first game returns, but it's coupled with a cinematic story spanning four different worlds, a huge number of extra «Adventures» to complete, six cooperative Strikes, and a competitive multiplayer component as satisfying as Titanfall 2 or Battlefield 1.
So, in a couple of months, the app might be called Photos, Story Remix, or something entirely different.
Dr. Johnson underscores the central role of emotions and attachment needs in relationships, and does so by sharing stories of many different couples, thus making the book very engaging.
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